The Wedding plan

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"Master Jungkook... How will we get a priest? Because it says here.. There needs to be a preacher. Correct?" Han looked up online how to have a wedding as he had a notepad and a pencil on his lap.

"That can't be good... The priest will throw holy water at all of us. We'll burn." Jungkook sat down on the couches downstairs next to Han.

"Maybe I can Reach Mr. Kim Namjoon.. He's a well known guy to 'bless' the wedding.." Han suggested.

"Hmm... I like it. He's like the vampire pope... So wise. Write him down." Jungkook added.

"Hey guys!" Jimin walked up to them. "What are you both up to?"

"Jimin, where's the baby?" Jungkook stood up and folded his arms.

"Taehyung has him... Jimeon just wouldn't stop crying until I gave him up to Taehyung. It's like he's obsessed!" Jimin sighed.

"You know, ol' sport... You don't always have to give the baby what he wants... Afterall, he is still a small baby he has yet to understand what he wants on his own." Han avowed.

"He has a point there, doll." Jungkook claimed.

"But I can't... Taehyung loves to carry Jimeon and Jimeon loves to be carried by him! I just wish I can carry my own son again..."

"It sounds like Jimeon is starting to grow fond of Taehyung to the point where the baby can not feel his cold skin..." Han fixed his monocle and glanced at Jimin. "It is love, Mr. Park Jimin."

"But he's too young for any of that! He's to young to know love or even the pain that comes from love!!" Jimin scoffed.

"Ah, we'll figure this out later. Han and I are kind of busy." Jungkook replied.

"What are you both talking about?" Jimin asked jumping in curiosity.

Han quickly flung his notepad to the side of the room and scratched his head. "Nothing!... Yes nothing, sport."

Jungkook wanted to let Jimin in on the plan but just that he couldn't do. He wished to surprise his Jimin and give him the wedding day he deserves! Beause he knew if he let Jimin in on it all, Jimin would complain and say he just doesn't want anything big. Jimin says these things so he wouldn't sound selfish.

"Alright... I-" Jimin began to cough a bit but then covered his mouth. "I'm sorry... Give me a sec..."

"Jimin, we have the fridge working properly.. Theres food and water in there please eat something." Jungkook held Jimin's hand.

Jimin stopped coughing and nodded walking to the kitchen. Jungkook felt worried for Jimin's constant coughings and wondered if he should bring someone who knew alot about special humans, Min Yoongi. Yoongi has an angelic vampire named Jung Hoseok that once was a special human before. Jungkook believed he can get some advice or help he needs by inviting them two to the wedding.

"So... Master Jungkook... What do you think the wedding should look like?"

Jungkook smiled, "all... Bla-"

"Don't you dare say black, Master Jungkook. It should be white to represent pure and love.." Han smiled.

"I can have Jimin walk in with a wedding dress!" Jungkook smirked pervertedly.

"Master Jungkook, that is ridiculous! He can just wear a white suit!"

"Nope! I want him in a white beautiful dress... He'll look absolutely stunning in it."

"I love you but You are a perverted little vampire, Master Jungkook." Han joked.

"Haha! Well where will we have it?" Jungkook asked thinking of ideas.

"How about the backyard? All it needs is lanterns for the night times and we can plant nice plants before the wedding so soon in the future they may blossom. Think of it as a way you both plant a seed the day you are married and care for that plant calling it your love plant and as long as it grows, you both will still love eachother." Han continued.

"I like that." Jungkook smiled. "Add it to the list I love the idea, Han.

"Oh, Master Jungkook. It says here there should be wedding cake." Han pulled up a random example of a wedding cake online and showed it to Jungkook.

"We should get one cake for Jimin since we all do not eat human food anymore." Jungkook insisted.

"Alright. Music? Live performance or-"

"Pre recorded audio is fine.. Humans can mess up a bit and then I'll get angry if they mess up a note."

"My oh my... Master Jungkook you sound alot like the late Madam!"

"M-my mother?" Jungkook stuttered. "Astonishing really... Haven't talked about her in years!"

Lifeless | Jikook Vampire AU | Book:3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن