Chapter 31

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"Please, Isabelle. I need you to come out of there. I'm going crazy." I said to my baby bump. We were driving home from our OBGyn appointment. I was 41 weeks. I was already pretty over being pregnant at 39 weeks. Now I was a week past the due date I was slowly losing my mind.

I felt guilty because at the start of this pregnancy all I wanted was it to stick. Now it had gone past the used by date and I just wanted her out. I was impatient to meet her and hold her in my arms. I felt huge and uncomfortable. I kept getting sciatica. I just wanted it to be over but she was determined to not budge. Today's appointment had shown I was two centimetres dilated. Which I was a week ago too. So basically she was never coming out. I was going to be pregnant forever.

"I don't blame her. I like being inside you too." Chris said, and immediately burst out laughing.

"Christopher Robert Evans. That's your daughter you're talking about!" I scolded. That made Chris laugh even harder and he reached over and clutched at me.

He calmed down and his hand slid down and ran over my belly. "One more week tops. I know you're having a tough time. But it's only one more week and if she still doesn't come out, they'll induce. So one week tops and in the meantime I'm supposed to fuck the shit out of you."

I started giggling. "She didn't say to fuck the shit out of me."

"It was heavily implied when she said 'sex can help trigger labour'."

I reached over and squeezed his thigh. "Okay then I guess you have to fuck the shit out of me. That sucks."

A huge thunder crack happened and I peered out the passenger side window of the Lexus. "Ooohhh... we're going to have a huge storm." I could see the rain off in the distance. "I wonder if it's raining at your mum's place yet."

Chris peered out into the horizon. "Looks like it might be. I was gonna suggest we go get some dinner out but maybe we should just go home."

"Yeah I wanna just go home. I know they say we should take advantage of just being us. But I just want you to rub my back and to drink chocolate milkshakes." I said.

Chris bit his lip. "I know you're just milking the milkshake thing, you know? You haven't had a proper craving for at least a month now."

I grinned at him and bit my bottom lip. "Can you be so sure. What if there's something in that milkshake Belle needs and you won't get it for her?"

Chris chuckled. "You play dirty."

We got home and I waddled inside. Chris went straight to the kitchen and made me a milkshake. I sat on the sofa and put my feet up. I laughed when he brought it to me. "I knew it." I teased.

"Yeah, well. One day. One day." He laughed.

Our evening went as it often did in this last month of my pregnancy. I tried to help Chris with dinner. He chased me away. We ate together talking about whatever random thing. We watched some TV while he rubbed my feet. We then headed to bed. He'd rub my back and hips. Then lie beside me reading to my baby bump for a while.

The storm had come in while we ate and by the time we were in bed the rain was coming in hard against the windows and the thunder rattled them periodically. I felt really relaxed.

"'It's snowing still,' said Eeyore gloomily. 'So it is.' 'And freezing.' 'Is it?' 'Yes,' said Eeyore. 'However,' he said, brightening up a little, 'we haven't had an earthquake lately.'" Chris read, his hand stroking over my belly. Isabelle kicked hard. Right in my kidney. "Oh man! Did you feel that?" Chris asked excitedly. "She likes when I read."

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