The Letter

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Dear Stranger,

The day I saw it is the day I fell in love. The tall pillers, balconies, and large doors. Since I was 16 I worked hard for the money to buy it. Now at 25 my childhood comes to an end. The vast halls and many stairs creak and whisper. Doors speak to each other. My room, the smallest in the house, is still huge. I've been here two years not able to leave. Not so sure you want to know why, but I need to tell someone. Anyone. The first bit was quiet. As an old house does I expected creaks and mones. However, a week of nightmares, dark hooded figures looming around me, beady red eyes staring, always watching, I had to leave. Every attempt of escape left me near death. I had to stay or join the hooded for eternity. Waking nights revealed faint voices in hidden tunnels. Being the curious creature I am I went inside them. Up stair cases, down endless tunnels. The voices would get louder in the tunnels then stairs.

To say I was scared would be an understatement. Some voices were evil, some , like mine. A girl once showed herself to me. Told me secrets. She and a legion of others were trapped with no hope of escape. At her words numerous spirits spilled from the rafters ecoing the voices of the tunnels. Save us! They said. Save us. "What can I do?! I'm stuck too!" I cried falling to my knees in dispare. They sang, Your alive. Weeping on the floor, they dissapired. This is when I chose to free them.

Looming hooded figures dance and screech. Dark red circles glowing from the old wood, spelling a curse.

My life is now devoted to freeing the inocent. My dear stranger, if you are reading this, stay away from 2102 S. Mountain oak Dr.
Your life depends on it.

L. S.


If you find this bottle I'm dead. Don't get sucked in like me.

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