The Fallen

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"In the beginning life is all there was. Life and love prevailed. The Father of all made a plan. A perfect, flawless plan. Giving his children this plan proved something. Something dark that lived in this perfect world. The Father banished this darkness after a terrible war had started. Now he set the plan in motion. His angles were sent down to choose and to grow. Loosing their immortality and memory making the choice fair. After the choice is made and growth for mortality is done they die and be angles again. Only given a new task. A task of a warrior. They are given shining, burning swords, and powers to protect those after them from the darkness who wish nothing but damnation upon their souls. Soon however, darkness took hold. Heaven and Hell have waged war for generations. Angels have fallen, and hounds have been unleashed to the world. Who can but save it now? Now is Armageddon."

Holly let the timeless old pages fall from her trembling hands. The note of flowing ice spoke the truth.  'I am the fallen.' She thought. 'If it's Armageddon. Then … then…' Her thoughts trailed off. Pure dread fills her mind. "It's time I accept Aliba." Courage took hold. The first step Holly takes into the old stone Temple caused it to shake. The power of the temple rattled and awoke. Step-by-step the Temple sends barriers and tests. Wind that of a  mid-sea hurricane tore at her strength, gushing water threatened to freeze her lungs, poison spewed to stop her  ascend. After what seemed like forever of Trials Hollys' right arm extended from her face and her fingers gripped the shining blade in the very center of the ancient building. The Temple ceased it's temptations and the fire burst forth awakening the power of the Fallen. It's heat blazed, swiftly exploding around its Master. Holly suspended in the air, becoming like a phoenix. Her dark red hair fanned around her and now her archangel  power filled the beautiful woman. Her purpose is now to begin.

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