The night cried for blood

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Steady breathing came from a sweat covered man. The man slowly changed. The scent of blood caused the his nostrils to flair. 'Death is rank tonight.' He thought. "Finally." He snarled. Running at top speed he raced to the Moon dance. The call has spoken. With burning muscles he stops at a cliff toung, and screeches. His howling chilled the bones of all creatures waiting for who's first. The full moons light danced on the newborn werewolf who's cries cryed out for the night of blood. His deformed manly features rippled with beastly muscles, matted fur, and spiked mane down his bony spine. His broken face long and wolvish dripped of drool as his prey ventured into HIS moon dance. A girl of stricking beauty. Long thick dark hair, with an elvish face of pure starlight. Eyes, the most ravishing grey danced with magic as the moon turned red. The beast soon coated in her fresh, hot life, smiled up at the full moon and the night cryed for her blood. That now dripped from his snarling muzzle, satisfied with his first kill.

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