The Heartstone

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"Admit it! Just admit it already!" The largish man yelled at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He took a few shaky breaths. Who heard him? Who cares? It's not like a pack of 40 clowns just shushed him at once! His whispered voice cracked a sentence before leaving the small subway bathroom. "No one else saw!" He shuffled through the crowd in the subway station and out onto the street. With a few more shaky breaths he walked out of the city streets and continued to walk til after night fall. Past the buildings, past the people, past the technology, right into the one place he swore he'd never visit again. The memory of his past fight came to mind. Ghosts with ethereal bodies, nothing like zombies, which he originally thought. If it happens again, "Oh, killer ghosts, that would be bad." He sighs as he walks into the dense fog ridden forest.

By moon high he stopped walking; stood very still and cleared his mind. Upon opening his eyes he heard a voice say, "If your gonna do something dumb be smart about it." The woman he once loved blandly stated. He grinned, "Oh fall on your face!" He retorted back. "Get the dark out ." She said in return. He lifted a finger that caused the fog to flee. Feeling proud at remembering the passwords.

Still grinning he asked, "Are you going to kill me, or just gloat?" "That's rude!" She hissed. "You once loved me." "That's before you betrayed me Agetha!" His smile left. "Why would you still be on that? It's been centuries." Her voice rang in the air.

After a while he whispered, "I care deeply, I love deeply." Then said with a pause. "I hurt deeply." With the moon almost set, she showed herself to him. Her flowing gown formed from the run-away fog. Her skin sparkled like morning dew. Her dainty face appeared angry.

"You came for something." She spat.
Not looking at her he said, "I wish for the Heartstone." She crossed her arms. "What do I gain?" "You gain your freedom." "Don't hustle me! No one can grant that but the Sabor!" She yelled. Not a flinch coursed him. "If I win I will be the Sabor!" Then, with his words in the air, he looked her in the eyes. His crystal blue eyes bore into the once brown ones. "Only with the Heartstone can I win. Yes, it's not logic, but why should we let logic ruin our fairytale? The Sabor must give himself to the stone. That's why we fight! To win it! I plan on doing more then just win, I plan to give it exactly what it wants, freedom. To no longer be a slave of a master!" The dead woman smiled. "As you wish." Parting her lips, she gave a melody. A sound that changes everything around you. From her voice came a gem. A gem so beautiful words have no meaning. A gem of perfectness. That glided to his cupped hands. He turned and walked back the way he came. By noon he reached the edge of the forest. Her soft voice drifted to his mind. "Don't fail me. My prince."

Stuffing the precious stone in his magic pouch that is protected by his life force. He thought of Agetha. We don't cry because they are gone, we cry because we are going to miss them until we see them again.

"I miss you Agetha!" He said. Before walking to the ring he created to help him raise his familiar and win the war that started by Ables' death at the very beginning. The first Heartstone that was created to fix the hole in time and space that has devoured everything but this world. This world that fights to win the Heartstone and control it's power. Only to free it will end the definite end that consumes everything in a morbid way. An end worse than death. Hell it's self.

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