The Fight

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On one particular rainy evening, about a month after Xzamora's discovery of Johns treachery, a fierce game of Book of Secrets Arcana Tales ensued. The soft, ever present rains had yet to cease.It's rhythmic beat played mournfully to the sounds of the game. Both had cards laid out on their sides of the table. The strange board they had made had two sides one with two playing pieces and a strange design, while the other had five card decks of varying sizes. John had a d10 and d12 in his hands. Tossing them on the board he moved his piece. Drawing a card he reads it out loud.

"'Time of fate, loves beyond. Kill the trait, with bloods neon.' "They look at each other. "What does that mean?" John asked. Xzamora answered, "It probably doesn't have a meaning."Realization hit him almost to literally. Somehow he knew she knew he spoke with the creature of the deep. Utter fear filled him. Xzamora would find it a betrayal. That's the last thing he wants. Shrugging he said, "Sure." Thinking a moment Xzamora said, "Time of fate,loves beyond eludes me. However, Kill the trait, with bloods neon could be referencing a traitor who is hiding something." "What gives you that idea?" The look she gives him is not amused. "What are you hiding?" She asks in a cold voice. Sighing John puts the game away.

"Z, They are keeping us safe."

"Safe! Safe! If they were keeping us safe they wouldn't have taken mom!"

"I never said I was following them."

A look of total confusion betrayed Xzamora's normal poker face.Scrunching her nose she states, "But I saw you!" John groaned."So that was you. It's not polite to eavesdrop."

"You admit it!"

"I admit nothing!"

"You also deny nothing."

Flabbergasted John ran his hands through his hair. "Xzamora, I-" Cutting himself off he left the main cabin. Insulted Xzamora followed. "You can't run from this! I know what I saw! That picture-" "Picture?"John suddenly stopped. Grabbing Xzamora's shoulders he asks, "What picture?" Shocked Xzamora led him to the picture room, and presented him with the picture. Absolute terror filled his very frame. "It wasn't you. You weren't the one eavesdropping. You didn't even take this picture. Did you?" His whispering unnerved her. She didn't remember taking the photo. It struck her like it did John. They aren't alone. Cautiously they both leave the small room.Looking around they find nothing out of the ordinary. All four rooms were as left. The small kitchen was untouched. The cabin was empty.Being as quiet as possible both listened. Listening for anything to give away the unknown intruder. Alas, the only thing playing any sound was the steady building rain.

A great chill ran down their spines. Feeling a presence the size of a monster fogged the air with eerie silence. Despite the now poring rain nothing sounded. Grasping hands John and Xzamora came closer together. A sudden sound loud enough to crack the ear drum came with the flash of brilliant light. Which light, for a moment, revealed a large, hulking human like shadow with twisting horns and billows of steam rising from its nostrils directly in front of them. The darkness returned. With hearts pounding they step back. Another flash of lightning left a high ringing in their ears. The monster followed each step the two humans took. His face shown violent darkness with the next strike.One after another lighting would strike. Soon the light danced around them in dangerous delights. John and Xzamora stood on deck, out in the open, staring at the beast in front of them. His scared features were very familiar. His cat like face snarled. The thick black fur covered chest, and rampant horse like legs were all too familiar. Huge black wings tripled his massive size. A sudden jerk of this monsters head caused John to flinch. Rising from the ocean a creature of certain death glowed with lighting light. The first monster visibly roared. His size paled in comparison to the serpent. The serpents' head split open around the face into two large fins. Lightning veined through the entirety of the serpent. Lightning coursed it's body like a heart beat. It too visibly roared.

The seemingly small, monster aboard the yacht sprung toward the serpent in flight. In this soundless void a battle raged. Started by a purple blast from the horned beast. John and Xzamora watched in horror of the silent fight. The serpent lunged and spit lighting at the circling beast who sent blast after blast. Pulling a gleaming blade from his shoulder the horned beast glowed purple. As if gearing up for a massive attack. The serpents wails could barely be heard threw the deafening thunder that was ever constant. It lunged down and snaked around the winged beast. The serpents' strike was lost in the blinding purple that consumed everything. Sound came with vision. A roar that of pain and anguish filled the air as the serpent came steadily closer to the yacht. The world slowed as John and Xzamora watched the serpent collide with the small vessel.The world continued to slow as Xzamora and John were both flinged into the crisp, angry ocean. Time righted itself with the sudden sharp pain of cold.

The black, salty water filled her lungs. Desperate for air she remembered her mothers words. Don't fear it. Let it guide you. Relaxing and letting the water guide her she found the surface. Coughing she struggled to breath before being thrust back under the waves.Spotting John for a brief second she feared for their lives. Unable to reach John and the surface Xzamora gave up. There is no point in trying when death is as sure as water being wet. Lossing consciousness Xzamora drifted down ward into the great deep.

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