Time of Dread

20 3 14

Endless beats rush past
Iron fills the air.
The moons shadow is overcast.
Never blinking eyes always stare.
It's a thief in the night to come and grab you.
Its pointed face snarles a smile.
Shadows dance of its scarred tomb.
Shredded skin hold each mile.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick.
Rhythmic beats rush past.
Crimson red slowly shows by the click.
Stained portraits of glass stand in frozen time.
Endless beats rush past!
Wings of fury glide in silence,
Darkness sweeps in.
Each beat like a heart
Sores above us all.
With us, around us,
Threatening us of it's evil horrors!
Iron rank drips from it's evil face.
A thing of no form or body
A thing with no name.
Non but a voice shrieking to an end.
It has no limit.
It has no fame.
It only has a voice.
Broken and lain.
It can creep up inside you and consume you.
Endless heart beats in frozen time.
Time of dread.

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