Satan's birth

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In. Out. In. Out.

IT'S NOT WORKING!! How am I supposed to breath in a time like this?! My friends tore apart in front of me by my worst nightmare, devoured alive! Bombs going off, fire, smoke. It doesn't help world war 4 is going on and hell sends it's best beasts!? It's all my fault! OH NO! I know that noise. A beast sniffing for it's prey. Me. The soft grunts ever closer. Then there it is. A blood covered​ mess of molten rock and lova vains. Fire for eyes staring at the prey. Finally face to face with my punishment.

One year earlier

Tall candles lay in a ring freshly lit. The diamond rug in the middle was occupied by a young woman of 20. Her long black raven hair fell in waves on her back as she swayed from side to side. Chants whispered from her lips steadily getting louder. The fires grew and a monsterouse roar shook the building. All the candles knocked over, now out. The woman feel to the floor herself. Her soul being consumed by the magic she never possessed.

A tall thin man walked into the dark room and rushed over to her. "Tha'nera." He whispered. "What have you done, my child?". Carrying her out bridal style to her rooms. Sitting on the bench across from her bed he read to her from an old, jeweled book.

"The gods started to bicker one with another." He read. "They got so feirce their father had to step in. A man who never interrupted the affairs he gave to them. One rose above the others and claimed, 'Send me father! May the glory be mind.' The Father sadly shook his head. 'Ten of you I have given world's and everything I have. Why grieve over one?'. The eldest stepped forward. ' Because Father, this world is the first and this world is the last. This is your world and it means the most to you. We only want to make you happy.' At this the Father looked at his eldest and said, 'I send you. You are the one who fully understands.' The other brother was wrathful. Banishing his 8 brothers leaving the eldest for vengance. After a sore battle he himself was banished to the world he wanted and transformed into the hideous monster he is. Asleep untill the curse is broken. Releasing total annihilation. Destroying all things." The man then closed the book and looked at her.

"Father." She mumbled. "I did it."

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