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Secret shivers courses through her body. The words she ment to say jumbled and ran from her mind. "Look," she wimpered "I have had a history of an attitude problem." The lanky, snake like man swivels in his chair to face her. A smack worthy smirk filling his thin lips. "It's not intended as such." She continues. "So, please don't take it that way. Allot of what I say comes out wrong. And the incident with Ally was directed twards you. I saw a flaw and was fixing it. Two others had already come to me from you to tell me the same thing. I ge-" Flin interuped. "Two others did what?" The memory came flooding to her mind. Two young women saying that Flin sent them with the same message back to back. Remembering the frustration made her ears turn red. Speaking she said, "Two others before Ally came to me and said that you sent them. I got the message the first time. Three people telling me I'm not doing my job made me very upset at you, and I wanted you to hear it" The smirk left his narrow face. A brief silence filled the small room. Flower continued her speech in a powerful, but quiet tone. "I have had this problem with my dad and I've almost called you dad several-." Flin's laughter fell to her ears for the first time. Faking a laugh herself to stop the slap sweating in her dominant hand. This man not only tries her patients but her announce level. Once he stopped she continues. "As long as there is no tention-" "No. We're good. Since our last chat you've gotten better. Just keep working on it." Flin interuped her again. The last conversation he told her she needed an attitude adjustment, and manners. This time he blew her off. Smiling her fake smile she wishes him safety and leaves. The secret shivers burst from her skin. Goose bumps formed on her arms. Sweat rolling down her back. Talking with her boss made her anger boil. His arrogance would get him killed in her world. His pompous authority made him unlikable and not suited for leadership. Summer heat greated her when she walked out the front door. Damn! I'm such an idiot! Why couldn't I say it? Say he needs leadership skills. Say respect goes both ways. Why can't I say what is needed to be said? She thpught. Sitting at her usual spot she thought of how it could have gone, and should have gone. Rolling over and taking the abuse is not her way. But it's the only way to keep her job, and home. Soon a plot of vengance formed. A web so impenetrable no one, not even her husband, can track it back to her. Flin will pay for his constant abuse. He will give what is required or he will be alone.

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