2. coffee date

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Sebastian and I had agreed on a coffee date at Charlie's. I had no idea what to expect from him, he was my celebrity crush for god's sake! I had dressed up a bit, wearing my favorite shirt on some plain jeans with simple sneakers, it wasn't much but I felt confident in it.

After the texts from Sebastian I had been screaming for an hour straight. I still couldn't believe Sebastian had texted me and asked me on a date. Now that I was ready I walked towards Charlie's as I ordered my favorite coffee before I sat down at one of the little tables after I noticed Sebastian hadn't arrived yet. I didn't have to wait too long, Sebastian arrived after 5 minutes, he immediately noticed me but he first ordered his coffee before he came over to me.

With his coffee in his hand, he walked over to me and kissed my cheek before he sat down in front of me, facing me. When he kissed me I started blushing like an idiot, which made him chuckle a bit. Sebastian was wearing a simple T-shirt and some dark jeans, he looked wonderful in it.

"Hey," I spoke to him, smiling as I saw his blue eyes looking at my face.

"Hi," Sebastian smiled too. Even if my blush had faded a bit, my cheeks were now bright red again. Would it be weird to say that now, finally meeting my crush, something I have been dreaming about for years, that I don't know what to say? I had played this scene in my head a million times, and every time I knew what I was going to say, but now? I was nervous, I was sure I was sweating like an elephant, do elephants even sweat? And I had no idea what to say.

"How are you doing today?" Sebastian asked me, I snapped out of my thoughts the moment he opened his mouth.

"I'm doing fine, thank you, how about you?" I asked him, making sure I didn't start dreaming.

"I'm doing great! I'm glad I could meet you again," he smiled at me, I looked in his eyes again.

"Same goes for me, I'm surprised you'd wanted to meet me again," I spoke softly, Sebastian looked in my eyes before he showed his million-dollar smile.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked me, he made it sound like it was normal for him to meet me.

"Did you enjoy yesterday's con?" he suddenly asked me, I think he tried not to have an awkward silence.

"Of course I did? What's not to like about superheroes and other nerd stuff?" I laughed, I hoped he could see in my smile that I did like it.

"I know! And all the merchandise! Too bad you can't have everything right?" Sebastian laughed too, but I could clearly see he enjoyed the con.

"Did you buy anything?" I asked him, hoping to keep the conversation going.

"I wanted to, but they wouldn't let me walk around the con," Sebastian pouted, I think he meant his bodyguards when he said 'they'.

"Who know what might have happened if you walked around, a lot of your fans were there," I tried, but Sebastian kept pouting.

"So do you have any siblings?" I asked him after a very uncomfortable silence of 5 whole minutes.

"No I'm an only child," Sebastian answered me.

"I actually kind of knew that already, I don't know why I asked you," I answered honestly, blushing. Sebastian chuckled a little bit.

"I should've known that," he smiled at me, I laughed quietly. "Do you have any siblings?"

"I have a brother," I told him, "Alexander, but I call him Alex,"

"Oh really?" Sebastian smiled, I nodded in response.

"I guess our mom really liked long names," I answered, which made Sebastian look confused at me.

"Do you have a nickname?" Sebastian asked me.

"Most people call me Cam," I smiled, Sebastian shook his head.

"Makes you sound like a guy," he told me, while he thought of something.

"I guess so, never really thought about it really," I answered him, chuckling, "What do people call you actually? I heard so many nicknames for you already,"

"Most people used to call me sea bass, I don't really know where that name came from. But my friends from the cast call me Seb most of the time," Sebastian explained.

"Alright then Seb, do you have any hobbies besides acting?" I asked him, this was actually a thing that I didn't really know about him.

"I like to binge watch series, at the moment I'm binge watching Friends," Sebastian chuckled, actually replying to the nickname, I don't even think he noticed.

"Oh really?" I asked him, very much amused.

"It's actually a good show," Sebastian defended himself.

"I don't know, I never really watched it," I admitted, his face turned more into shock right now.

"How can you never have watched Friends?" Sebastian asked me, I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, not my type of show?" I tried to find an excuse, I don't even know why.

"Well, what kind of show do you like?" Sebastian asked me, a little bit confused why Friends couldn't be my type of show.

"I don't know, I'm more of a CSI, NCIS kind of person, I don't really like friends or anything like that," I answered him, he smiled but shook his head nonetheless.

"You don't know what you're missing," he told me, but we changed the subject anyway.

"What kind of movies do you watch?" he asked me, looking very interested.

"Superhero movies obviously, but I like a good action-comedy too," I told him, at first he laughed but at the end of my sentence he smiled and nodded his head.

"You didn't seem like a romance kind of girl anyway," he told me, which made me laugh too.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to take you to a romantic movie," I laughed, but soon I saved myself, "If you want of course."

"Sure, I do want to meet you again," Sebastian confessed, he slightly blushed.

"You do? I thought you'd think I'm some kind of creep," I smiled, I meant it as a joke, but Sebastian took it seriously. 

"I'd never think you're a creep, my thoughts were facing a whole other way," Sebastian told me, we both walked out of the coffee shop, saying goodbye to one another before we went home.

"So this is goodbye I guess," I told him, while I laughed at the awkwardness between us.

"I guess so," Sebastian whispered. Neither of us made an attempt to move away or to say goodbye, we just stood there, awkwardly facing each other. I stepped forward to hug him goodbye but stopped once I noticed what I was doing. Sebastian caught me and embraced me, I quickly placed my arms around his neck and hugged him back.

"Let's meet again soon," Sebastian said once we stopped hugging.

"Sure! I have to work this week though, but I could go to dinner or something, as long as it's not too late," I told him, hinting him.

"Dinner sounds good, what about Tuesday?" he asked me.

"Sure! I'd like that," I told him, smiling, he smiled back at me.

"I'll text you the details alright?" he asked me before I nodded and kissed his cheek. I turned around and walked home.

Reality ~ Sebastian StanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora