7. Shotgun

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"Why are you so happy today?" Cameron, my colleague, asked me. We were both working on the easy jobs today, a lot of customers have asked a simple maintenance today so we were working together. 

"I'm just as happy as normal," I commented as I walked towards the next car. 

"No you're not, did you finally get laid?" Cameron asked me, I sighed in defeat, he already knew about my dates with a certain man. 

"I knew it!" he yelled through the garage, everyone looked at us while we just worked. 

"Shush, not everyone should know!" I whispered-yelled as I finished the last car for now. 

"Not everyone should know? We should throw you a party! I mean, how long ago was it? A year? Two years?" he asked me as I tried to take care of the payment. I sighed at his question. 

"None of your goddamn business, now leave me alone!" I whispered to him while I told the older lady how much she needed to pay. I shoved Cameron away since he wasn't going anywhere. 

"Thank you ma'am, here's the receipt, thank you for choosing our garage!" I told her as I waved her out. 

"Come on Cam, how long?" Cameron asked me again. I sighed, ignoring his question, hoping he would drop it. 

"A year? Two years? Three years? Four?" Cameron kept on guessing, I sighed defeated, I knew he wasn't going to stop asking. 

"Two and a half alright? Now drop it," I hissed at him.

"Really Cam? No wonder you're so happy now," Cameron laughed, I just punched him softly.

"And what's is the lucky man called?" he asked me. 

"Sebastian, now stop asking questions and help the new customer!" I told him, Cameron just saluted and went to the customer. My boss suddenly stood next to me. 

"You've handled the fuss rather quickly," he commented. 

"Cameron helped me, when we are working with the two of us things go rather quickly," I told him in all honesty. 

"Well done Camilla," Peter commented and left, to check on the others. Suddenly Cameron called for me. 

"Camilla, can you take a look at this?" he asked, I was starting to get concerned. First of all, Cameron never calls me Camilla, second, he never asks for my help, he'd rather work on a car some longer than asking someone for help. I walked up to Cameron and he pointed to a package with some white powder. 

I immediately knew it was drugs and the police had made it clear that if any of us found any drugs we should immediately call them and report the customer. I nodded at Cameron and walked to the customer. All this time, my heart was racing. 

"Sorry mister, but there seems to be a bigger problem with your car than we originally thought, I'll have to ask my boss to come and take a look at it, okay?" I asked him like I would do normally. The customer seems to notice my nervousness but chose to ignore it and nodded as an answer to me. Cameron worked further on the car while I walked, or rather ran, to Peter. 

"Peter?" I asked first, Peter was talking with Jeff, one of my other colleagues. 

"Yeah?" Peter answered, giving me his full attention. 

"We found a package in that car, should I call them immediately?" I asked him, Peter just nodded at me and pointed to his office. I walked over to his office and took the phone in my hand, I dialed 911. Before the lady on the other hand could say her famous '911, what's your emergency' line, someone pressed something to the back of my head. I knew it was a gun, just by the way it was pressed against my head. 

"Now now, we don't want you to call the police, do we? Now be a sweet little girl and put the phone down," Some man said behind me. I nodded softly and put the phone down without closing the call, I hoped the police would be able to trace back this call and catch something the robber was saying. 

"Good girl! Now, I want you to slowly take some cash out of that drawer and give it to me," the robber told me, I did as I was told, opening the drawer with some spare cash and giving it to the robber behind me, all the time I was shaking like crazy.  

"Sweet, now go to that chair and face the wall while you count to thirty," again, I did as I was told and counted to thirty. As soon as I was ready I slowly turned around, only to see I was alone in the office. I slowly walked to the phone, my legs felt like they would give in any second. 

"Hello?" I spoke in the phone. 

"We are tracing this call miss, you seem to have prank called us," the lady on the other end spoke. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I was actually calling because I was threatened by a customer with a gun," I spoke softly and slowly in the phone, hoping the lady would understand it. 

"What address? I'll send the police your way immediately!" the lady told me quickly. I told her the address before I ended the call. As soon as I had placed the phone back on the table, my legs gave in. I fell down on the ground and felt numb. I didn't feel or knew anything anymore. I didn't know how much time had passed before the police arrived, or how I got out of the office. All I knew was that I wanted Sebastian with me on that moment. 

Reality ~ Sebastian StanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt