3. Workday

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Although I was still in my post-Sebastian-Stan-meeting-happiness, it was time to go to work. I worked at a garage, where I was a mechanic. I really liked my job, it was a men's job but I didn't mind, less drama and all that. Our garage was well-known in the area which caused a lot of customers coming by each day for their cars. Most of the jobs were easy and quickly done but some took some more time and had to be done over a few days. Since I was the only girl mechanic, my boss told me to do the easy jobs most of the time, although he knew I didn't like them, but today he told me I could work on an oldtimer Cadillac, which needed an update and had been worked on for several days now. I quickly walked over to the car and started working on the engine, Cameron, my colleague quickly joined me. We both worked on the same car for a while before he spoke up. 

"Working on the Cadillac today?" he asked me as he gave me the wrench. I hummed in response as I worked on the engine. I replaced a 'broken' part with a new part. 

"Yeah, he finally let me do something I studied for," I laughed as I looked up from the engine, this made Cameron laugh. 

"I know he's giving you some shitty jobs, but you have some sort of aura or vibe which makes the customers happier, that's why he always gives you the easy jobs," Cameron explained to me, I groaned in annoyance while I actually understood his reasons. There are only men working in this garage except for me, most of them are quite old, except for Cameron and me. Either Cameron or me would be working those easy jobs. It was quite exceptional for us working together on the Cadillac. 

"I know, I just don't like changing the oil several times a day," I told Cameron as I tried to find the right part of the engine. Cameron hummed in agreement, since we were the youngest of the crew, he too had to do the easy jobs. We both knew it was awful, but it needed to be done. 

"Camilla, can you come to the office please?" my boss, Peter, asked me as he walked by. I nodded. 

"Sure, let me replace this part and I'll be down," I yelled as he walked to his office. I quickly replaced the part and ran to the office. 

"Hi," I walked in and closed the door. Peter looked up and placed the documents which he was reading down. 

"Camilla, I let you come here because Albert went home and we need someone to do the reception and the quick jobs again, I know you don't like working there but I promised Cameron he didn't have to work at the reception today," Peter told me. Albert was an older colleague, he was absent most of the time due to his older self. 

"Sure, but can you let me work on the Cadillac tomorrow again?" I asked, hoping he'd promise me I didn't have to work at the reception tomorrow. 

"Yeah, Cameron can do that tomorrow," Peter told me, as he nodded at me. Showing to me I should leave and go back to work. I walked out the office and walked to the reception. It wasn't really a reception, it was just some kind of desk where a laptop was placed, most people walked over there to tell me what's wrong with their car and I tell them when their car would be ready or when we have time to work on the car. It was also the place where the people pay for our work. Like I said before, it was the place where the easy and quick jobs are done too. The Cadillac was some kind of little project of the garage. My boss bought it for little money, hoping we could restore it and sell it for much more money, although it seems like a much more shitty job as the quick jobs, it's more fun since you can work on your own tempo and you can do different things with the car, plus it's an oldtimer. 

I walked over to the reception, only to see my brother waiting. I walked up to him and asked what the problem was with his motor, knowing he didn't have a car. 

"Hi Cam," Alex, my brother, greeted me. I quickly hugged him before I looked at his bike. 

"What's the problem?" I asked, pointing to his bike. 

"He wouldn't start, I had to walk it here," Alex whined, I huffed at his response. 

"I'll look at it," I laughed at him, Alex sat down in one of the chairs, waiting for me to start on his bike. I quickly looked at one of the fuel lines, only to see that his tank was almost empty. 

"When was the last time you refueled this thing?" I asked him as I got a tank with some fuel in.

"I don't know, last month?" Alex answered me, I huffed. 

"Seriously? I think it was more something like 6 months ago," I answered him, I looked at his face, only to see some thinking lines in his forehead. 

"That's possible too," Alex admitted, Alex didn't drive his bike regularly, he bought his bike, only to drive it in summer when he felt like it. 

"Your tank is empty, you should be glad I have some spare gas for you," I told him as I filled up his tank. 

"Thank you sis," my brother smiled. I shook my head. 

"Uh-uh, you're going to treat me McDo," I told him as I tried to start his bike again. I tried 4 times before the bike started, which was rather quickly if you considered the tank being empty for such a long time. 

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