4. Date number 2

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After two days of work it was finally time for another date with Sebastian. The boys of the work station were pestering me all day about it. Now that I'm home I quickly showered, got all of the soot off me and dressed in a nice dress. Since I had to work longer than normal I only had time for a little make-up before I had to leave to Sebastian, he had texted me the address and told me to meet him there. As I walked there I was thinking about Sebastian, how wonderful it was that he wanted to meet me again. I quickly arrived at the restaurant, I saw Sebastian sitting there. I waited for the waiter and I told him I booked a table on the name of Stan, he quickly leaded me the way to Sebastian. My date immediately stood up as he saw me, he showed me my chair and pushed me closer to the table like a real gentleman. Sebastian quickly sat down on his own chair again and smiled at me. 

"Hi," I smiled back. 

"You look beautiful," Sebastian told me, I instantly started blushing. 

"You look very handsome yourself," I told him, it wasn't a lie. Sebastian was wearing a simple dark suit, but he couldn't look ugly even in a trash bag. 

"Why, thank you," Sebastian showed one of his goofy smiles. 

"How has your day been?" I asked him as the waiter gave us our menus. I quickly looked at it before I decided I would take the steak. 

"Relaxed," Sebastian told me, not giving away any details.

"Really?" I asked him as I put away the menu, Sebastian nodded and showed his smile again. 

"At least one of us did something today," I joked, right before he waiter came to take our orders. 

"I will have the steak please," I told the waiter, I looked over to Sebastian, waiting for him to give his order but instead I saw him looking at me adorably. 

"Seb?" I asked, getting his attention. 

"Oh right, I will have the spaghetti please," he told the waiter. 

"Okay, your orders will be right up," the waiter told us, he wanted to leave us alone but Sebastian called him back. 

"Excuse us, but can we get a bottle of white wine?" he asked the waiter, the waiter confirmed and left us 

"I hope you like white wine?" Seb asked me. 

"I don't really mind," I told him, I had to admit I was kind of scared the conversation would stop there. 

"So, you work in a garage on motorcycles?" Seb asked me, obviously talking about my Instagram post. 

"I work on cars too, I just had to help my brother out, he bought a motor a few years ago but the loser doesn't drive it," I laughed a bit in myself, Seb soon joined my laughter. 

"Then why did he buy it?" Seb asked me. 

"Midlifecrisis or something," I laughed again. 

"Oh come on, Alex can't be that old," Seb commented. 

"He's about thirty I think," how could I forget my own brothers age? Seb laughed at me. 

"Don't take me wrong, but how old are you?" Seb asked me, I nervously laughed. 

"I'm twenty-six, oh wait, that makes Alex twenty-nine," I told him honestly. 

"Oh, I'm thirty-four," Sebastian told me, I chuckled, obviously already knowing it. 

"Right, I always forget you basically know everything about me already," Sebastian laughed. 

"Sorry," I smiled sheepishly. 

"It's really unfair, you know that right?" Sebastians laughter died, but his smile was permanently placed on his face. 

"You can ask me whatever you want to know, I'll answer honestly," I told him, Seb thought about it while the waiter brought us our wine and dinner. 

"What's your favorite color?" he asked me first, I was kind of taken back by the question.

"I like pastel colors? I don't really know what my favorite color is," I honestly answered him as I took a bite from my steak. 

"You really don't have a favorite color?" Sebastian asked me as he too started to eat. 

"Not really, I mean, if I see a color I know if I like it or not but I don't really have a favorite," I answered him honestly. 

"Okay, what kind of music do you like?" he asked me immediately when I answered his previous one. 

"Uhm, I like some rock, hard-style too, pop is nice although I like some 90's music too," I summed up, Seb nodded at my response, although I kept on giving some very vage answers.

"Why did you become a mechanic?" Seb asked me suddenly. 

"I- My father learned me about cars when I was very young and I guess it just sticked," I told him. 

"Is your father a mechanic too?" Seb asked me when he took his last bite of his spaghetti, I had already finished my steak a while ago. 

"He was yeah, my mom was an accountant, funny combination actually," I smiled to myself, Seb was quite worried now that I was speaking about my parents in past tense. 

"Did they retire already?" he asked me, the waiter took our plates. 

"They- No, not really, they didn't get the chance to," I answered him, not really knowing how to tell him that they died. 

"I'm sorry," Seb told me, immediately catching on. We finished our wine and I just knew Seb wanted a dessert. 

"Do you want a dessert?" I asked him, just to be sure, Seb noticed I wanted to change the subject and he let me. 

"Definitely, you?" he asked me, placing his smile back on his face. 

"I'd love to," I smiled again. Seb called the waiter and ordered some tiramisu before he asked me what I wanted to have. 

"Some chocolate mousse thank you," I told the waiter before I looked at Sebastian again. 

"What's your favorite movie?" he asked me, helping me change the subject. 

"I'd hate to admit it, but Nemo or Dory are my favorite movies," I told him, he immediately started pouting. The waiter quickly came with our desserts as we both laughed.

"Really?" he asked me as he ate his tiramisu. 

"Really!" I laughed. After our dessert Seb paid the bill, although I did try to pay a part of it. 

"Where is your car?" Seb asked me as we walked out of the restaurant, I laughed softly, he didn't know I lived a few blocks away. 

"I actually don't have a car, I walked," I answered him, standing still, not knowing what to do. 

"Alright, can I walk you home?" Seb asked me, I nodded and started walking towards my apartment. 

"I really enjoyed this," Seb suddenly told me, I smiled at him but kept on walking. 

"Me too Seb," I told him, Seb took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers. I gave his hand a little squeeze. 

"What do you think about another date?" Seb asked me, looking at my face, although I knew he couldn't see much due to the darkness. 

"I'd love to, but I have to work until Friday," I told him honestly, hoping he'd understand why I couldn't go on a date during the week. 

"What about Friday? Or do you prefer Saturday?" he asked me, I smiled at him again. Seb clearly understood what I meant, he wasn't even mad at me. 

"Friday is no problem for me," I squeezed his hand again when I stopped in front of my building. 

"Friday it is then, I'll call you with the details again?" he asked me, I nodded as I hugged the man in front of me. 

"Thank you for today," I whispered to him, he hugged me back. 

Reality ~ Sebastian StanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora