6. Not going home

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I cleaned the apartment when I didn't know what to do. I started in the bedroom and ended with the kitchen, as soon as I was ready I took a shower. It was already 3 pm when I got out of the shower, I quickly changed in some sweatpants and a T-shirt before I went to the kitchen to make something to eat. I quickly heated some soup I had made earlier this week. As I was eating my soup I got a message, I stood up and got my phone, which was laying on the couch. Sebastian had texted me, asking if he already could come over, because he was bored. I quickly answered his text, telling him I was still eating my soup and that I still had to make my bag. I took my phone with me to my soup as I took another bite. My phone made the indicating sound that I had a message. I opened my phone, Seb texted me, pleading me if he could come over, he would wait until I was ready, or that's what he told me. I told him he could and I finished my soup.

I had just placed my soup bowl in the sink as my doorbell rang. I quickly opened the door and walked downstairs to get Seb, since he didn't know his way upstairs.

"Mila!" Seb particular ran to me. I waited for him to come to me, since I was in my T-shirt and it was quite chilly outside. In a few seconds Sebastian stood in front of me and placed his arms around my waist.

"Hi Mila!" Seb smiled and pecked my lips softly, like he was scared I would stop him.

"Hey Seb," I smiled to him, taking his hand in mine and leading him upstairs, to my apartment.

"So this is where you live?" he asked me as he walked inside, I hummed in response as I quickly washed my soup bowl.

"It's small, I know, but not everyone is a well-payed actor," I smiled at him. Seb took a towel and dried the bowl, although I told him not to.

"It's cosy and feels like home, it's homie!" Seb commented as he gave me the bowl, I placed it away and walked towards my bedroom, Seb followed me.

"I don't know, I usually don't spend a lot of time here, I'm mostly at Alex' place when I have a day off," I explained as I took some new underwear and placed it in a backpack.

"Really? I didn't know you were so close," Seb told me as he sat down on my bed.

"Yeah, I spend most of my weekends there," I told him, I took my charger and placed in on top of my clothes in the backpack.

"Should I bring something else?" I asked him, thinking about anything. I quickly ran to my bathroom, to take my tooth brush and all the other stuff. I left my make-up in the bathroom, I didn't feel the need to use it on a movie-night. As I walked back in the bedroom I showed Seb my stuff, silently telling him what I brought.

"Why don't you stay home and invite some friends?" Seb asked me, not judging me or something, just curious.

"I don't know, I guess it became a habit?" I told him, "He knows about our dates too you know," I admitted.

"Oh really? He already knows about me?" Seb laughed, I chuckled too.

"Yeah, I had to tell him why I wasn't coming by this weekend," I explained as I closed the backpack, hoping I had everything I needed.

"Ready?" Seb asked me, I nodded as I took my phone and my jacket to go outside. I quickly locked my apartment before we walked towards his car.

"What'd he think? About us I mean," Seb asked me as he brought the engine to live.

"I don't know, he's happy I'm going out again," I smiled, thinking about his true words while Seb drove away.

"Did he say anything?" he asked me, I was debating if I'd tell him Alex said I needed to get laid.

"Yeah, you could say that," I laughed, Seb smiled at me before he turned his attention back to the road.

"He said I needed to get laid and that I could use you for that," I told him, still laughing about my brothers words.

"He said that to you?" Seb laughed, I only nodded, not able to say anything since I was still laughing.

"It's his own sick way of telling me he actually happy about this," I told him once my laughter was over.

"It is a very weird way of showing," Seb told me as he parked the car in front of, what I think, was his apartment.

"Yeah, well, what's new?" I smiled, Seb took my hand and led me to the building, to the elevator. Once we reached his floor he led me to his apartment, telling me to put my backpack at the door. The apartment was very open and large, it almost looked like he had the whole floor.

"It's small, I know," Seb tried to imitate me, repeating the exact same sentence I told him when he first saw my apartment.

"This is definitely not small! My apartment could fit only in the living room!" I told him as I continued to look around. Seb placed his keys on the dining table and took his jacket off, I did the same and placed my jacket on one of the chairs. Seb took some drinks out of the fridge and walked towards the living room.

"Come on! We won't be able to watch any movies if you stay there!" Seb playfully yelled at me, I quickly walked over to him and sat down on the couch, next to him.

"Which one do you want to watch first?" Seb asked me, handing me the remote. I opened Netflix and looked around for a bit before I asked Seb.

"Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson? Or rather Harry Potter, since you've never seen that one?" I asked him, he seem to think about it for a moment before he told me to put Harry Potter on. We both got a bit more comfortable during the movie, which meant we were moving closer to one another. During the second movie I was cuddled into Seb and he was cuddled into me.

After the second movie, I didn't immediately put the third one on. My head was placed on his shoulder/chest, his arm was laying around my shoulders. I looked up to him and he looked down at me. I smiled to him before I placed my lips on his, fireworks exploding again in my stomach, a fire burning against my lips. Seb's other hand was placed agains my cheek as mine were running on his upper thigh. It didn't take long for Seb to remove his hand from my cheek to the bottom of my shirt. Soon, we were enjoying each others company more than we should have on that moment.

Reality ~ Sebastian StanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora