12. Moving in?

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We had helped Chris and Tilly move for a week straight. I had to go to work a few times but besides that we were always helping the couple moving in together. I was happy to say that Tilly and I grew very close while Chris and Seb were always talking about men stuff. Tilly and I almost became best friends over the week, I learnt that we were very similar, we liked the same things, we hated the same things etc. During that week I slept over at Seb's because it was easier, otherwise he had to drive over to my place before we could help Tilly and Chris.

I was kind of sad that I had to go back to my own place, I would miss waking up to Seb's face every morning, cooking together and sitting on the couch with him. But I also know that it's Seb apartment and I'm still paying for mine while I don't actually live there anymore.

We were finishing the last room in the new house of Tilly and Chris, Seb and Chris were placing the furniture while Tilly and I were doing the 'light work' like placing the cutlery away and stuff.

"Do you actually live with Seb? Or do you have your own apartment?" Tilly asked me, I hesitated to answer because the situation was kind of difficult to explain since I didn't exactly knew what my relationship was with Sebastian.

"What's wrong?" Tilly asked me as she noticed I was hesitating.

"No, nothing, just," I began but sighed, "I have my own apartment but the last few weeks I slept over at Seb's because of something that had happened and now I just think I'm going to miss it, waking up next to him and stuff, it'll just be lonely at my place," I tried to explain, hoping she would understand.

"I know, you remember when I told you Chris and I always slept together?" she asked me, I nodded my head.

"Maybe you should propose to Seb to live together?" she suggested, I nodded my head, still thinking about it.

"I don't know, we aren't even together yet. I'm just scared he wouldn't feel the same and I'll scare him off," I told her, hoping she would understand why I was scared.

"Why do you think a question like that would scare me off?" Sebastian suddenly asked me from behind.

"I don't know, we aren't even together, why would I even ask you that?" I asked him as I turned around. I noticed Tilly leaving the room to give us some privacy.

"You can always ask me stuff like that Mila, I'd love for you to move in with me, I just thought you needed your privacy," Seb smiled at me as he opened his arms for me. I walked over and hugged him.

"Thanks Seb," I whispered as I placed my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes for a second. At that moment I really wanted to tell him I loved him, because I did, but I knew it was too early for those words so I kept my mouth shut.


When we came home that night we started to discuss everything. Where would we live? Should we hire a new place? What about the rent? What about the furniture?

My place was too small for both of us to live in permanently, so that wasn't an option. I actually liked Seb's place so I thought it would be a shame if we moved. Seb actually thought I would feel out of place in his apartment because he had lived there for several years and everything had it's place, which was sweet of him. In the end we agreed to try and stay at Seb's place and if it didn't work out we'd move.

Most of my stuff was already at his place because of the last few weeks, so we didn't have to move a lot. Seb and I decided to do that the day after. That same night we decided to relax on the couch and watch Netflix all night. And that's exactly what we did. We cuddled all night and went to bed early, but not to sleep.

Reality ~ Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now