13. Say what you have to say!

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Seb had been acting weird all week, he was always in thoughts, he didn't notice me walking by, he didn't notice his phone ringing, he noticed nothing. I had asked him several times if something was wrong but he always avoided the question and started talking about other stuff.

Because of Seb acting weird I spend more time at Chris and Tilly's place. Which ended up with Seb coming by too and us sleeping over. Normally we visited them once a week, or once every two weeks but not I almost visited every day.Tilly noticed something weird about Seb too, while Chris acted like it was nothing.

One night I was sitting on the couch at Tilly and Chris' place when Seb texted me.

Where r u? x

He probably already knew I was at Chris' but he texted me nonetheless. I was getting sick of his behaviour, he'd particularly ignored me all day long and only noticed I was gone in the evening.

Tilly's x

I texted him back, already knowing he'd show up in about 10 minutes. I had no idea what was wrong with him but I was getting sick of it. Tilly noticed this and tried to calm me down.

"It's probably nothing Mila, don't worry about it!" she told me, she was sitting on the same couch as me, Chris was seated on the second one with Dodger at his feet.

"Seb's just struggling with something, he'll be back normal before you know it," Chris assured me, but that didn't keep me from worrying. I kept quiet and watched the football game while we waited for Seb to arrive. Normally when Seb was here, he'd act normal for half an hour before he went back to his quiet behaviour of the past week. Tilly knew Seb was coming over so she placed her homework away and sat down to enjoy the game with our little group. Seb ringed te bell and Chris opened the front door for him while Tilly and I stayed seated.

I wanted to confront Seb about this whole thing, but I didn't want to do it here so I had to find an excuse to go home later. Seb sat down on the second couch, the same place where Chris sat earlier while Chris sat down next to Seb.

"It's almost like we're living here with you," I joked around, hoping to lighten the mood a bit.

"I haven't seen this month's rent yet, if this goes on I have to kick you out," Chris told us in a weird voice, like he actually was renting his place to us. All of us laughed a bit.

"How was school today?" I asked Tilly, since I hadn't asked yet.

"Alright I guess, my teacher was surprised I actually spoke dutch. I corrected her a few times, although she still thinks she's right," Tilly was studying again at the university to become a teacher, she chose to follow a dutch course so she could later on teach dutch to others.

"Seriously? And did you tell her your native language is dutch?" I asked her, actually interested in her story. I didn't hear Chris or Seb talking so I thought they were following our conversation, but I couldn't be more wrong.

"Yeah! She told me I was wrong because I was taught with a dialect so I actually couldn't speak dutch," Tilly exclaimed, I gasped.

"That's unbelievable! How could she? She probably never visited Belgium or the Netherlands herself!" I told her, she smiled.

"I'm pretty sure of it, she made so many mistakes! It was like she was speaking dutch for the first time, her grammer sucked. Uhm, she said things like 'I has' and stuff like that!" Tilly explained me, I smiled.

"I actually thought you had to speak the language before you could teach it to someone, but apparently not!" I laughed, Tilly laughed with me.

"I actually regret choosing that course," she admitted to me.

"Just one quarter Tilly, you can do it," I assured her while I squeezed her hand. I turned my attention back to the game, but I noticed Seb staring at me in the corner of my eye. I looked over and he looked like he got caught doing something he shouldn't be doing and turned his attention back to the game. After half an hour Chris spoke up.

"I'm going to order some Chinese, are you staying over for dinner?" Chris asked us. Seb started to answer him before I interrupted him.

"Yeah s-" Seb spoke.

"Actually no, I want to go home and just watch some TV and relax a bit," I told them, obviously lying.

"We could relax here too, I'm sure they wouldn't mind us staying over again," Seb argued.

"You can stay here if you want, I just want to be home right now, in my pyjama's, sleep in my own bed, no offense," I told him, already knowing he wouldn't let me go home on my own.

"Alright, you're right," Seb told me before he took his car keys and stood up. I followed his example and stood up as well. Tilly stood up as well, to lead us outside. At the front door I hugged her goodbye and yelled a 'bye' at Chris before Seb drove us home.


Once we were home everything went back to how it was. Seb sat on the couch, looking at nothing and keeping quiet. I hated it and I wanted it to stop right then and there so I walked up to him and stood in front of him. It took him 2 minutes to notice me as he looked at my face.

"What's wrong with you? You've been acting weird all week," I asked him, he opened his mouth but closed it again and decided to keep quiet.

"Seb please, I hate this. I'm concerned about you!" I raised my voice.

"I can't say," Seb whispered, like he had a secret. I sighed.

"Just say it already Sebastian! I'm sick of this situation, you won't talk to me, you won't even look at me! If you want to stop this, whatever this is, just do it! This is hurting me more than anything! I can't do this anymore Sebastian," my voice broke at the end, some tears escaped my eyes.

"I can't Mila, I promised myself, please don't leave," Sebastian whispered as he stood up and took a step towards me. I took a step back.

"Just say what you have to say, I don't want this anymore Seb, if you don't say anything I don't know if I can continue this," I whispered to him, now letting my tears fall freely.

"I- I-" Seb started, but he started crying.

"I don't want to loose you Mila, I-" he wanted to say something but he stopped himself.

"I love you," he quietly admitted, if I wasn't listening I would have missed it. I opened my mouth and closed it again, if anything I never thought he was going to admit this.

"This is exactly why I haven't said anything," Seb sighed as he sat back down with his head in his hands, obviously stressed while I just stood there, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. After a whole minute (which felt like hours) I controlled myself again and walked over to Seb, sitting down on my knees in front of him, placing one hand on his knee and my other on his hair.

"Look at me please," I whispered. At first Seb wouldn't move, obviously thinking I wouldn't say it back.

"Please Sebby," I whispered again. Seb looked at me with red stained eyes and a sad face. I placed my forehead on his, making sure I looked him in the eye when I told him the thing I wanted to say to him for weeks.

"I love you too," I whispered quietly before I let a few tears escape my eyes again. Sebastian smiled at my confession, he kissed me softly on my lips before the tension between us changed from awkward to sexual. I was the first to break the kiss for some air. I smiled at the beautiful man in front of me before I spoke up.

"I hope this means you're my boyfriend now," both of my hands were resting on his cheeks while his were on my waist.

"I'm pretty sure it means that I'm your boyfriend," Seb smiled before his lips found it's way back to mine again.

Reality ~ Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now