11. Tilly?

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A few weeks ago Seb had told me everything was going amazing between Chris and Tilly, they were even looking for a house. Ever since I met Chris I was eager to meet Tilly, Chris was such an amazing man. Every time he visited he talked about his girlfriend like she was heaven on earth. Chris even told me Tilly and I would get along pretty well since we got similar personalities.

Sebastian also told me Chris found a house the moment he hung up the phone with him. Chris had asked him if he could help him move and asked to bring me along. I guess they wanted me to meet Tilly, it has been a few weeks since Chris met me.

Seb told me a lot about Tilly and Chris and what to expect. He told me that they weren't the most normal people but that they were fun to hang out with. He confessed that Tilly had been his best friend on set, rather than Chris, because she understood some things about him that Chris didn't understand at all.

He also confessed to me that he kind of liked Tilly in the beginning because she was so cute and sweet, but that stopped quickly after he noticed Tilly was in love with Chris and vice versa, he noticed this when they had a party at Lizzie's place.

I was now waiting in the room, which would become the bedroom of Tilly and Chris, for Tilly to return since she was shopping for paint or something. I was looking around, imagining how the room would look with a bed and stuff like that. I heard some footsteps coming my way when I turned around.

"Are you Mila?" the girl asked me with a thick accent, she looked friendly and much happier than in the restaurant a few weeks ago.

"I'm Camilla, but Seb calls me Mila," I corrected her, Tilly chuckled.

"I'm Tilly," he introduced herself to me, I didn't quite know where her accent came from. She shook my hand as I thought of a new question to ask her.

"So you're Chris' girlfriend?" I asked her, she nodded, probably not knowing how I knew she was his girlfriend. Tilly's face saddened so I kind of wanted to change the subject.

"Yeah," she quietly answered me, I asked for her attention again by asking a new question.

"So, how can I help?" I asked her.

"So, this is the bedroom," she started explaining, she was definitely European, "We wanted these walls to be in this color, we should start painting," she finished, I immediately took a look at the color and smiled at Tilly.

"Okay, I can do that," I smiled again and took a brush. While I started on one of the walls, Tilly asked me a question.

"So, how do you know Seb?" she asked me, probably interested in why I was here.

"Seb- Well- I- Okay, we met at a comic con, I was one of his fans who was meeting him and I gave him some kind of card where I told him how much he meant to me and my phone number, that same night he texted me and well," I smiled, thinking of that moment again.

"What did you do afterwards? You went on a date?" Tilly asked further, probably fishing for some details.

"We went for a coffee the next day and kept on going on dates from that moment, after 3 dates I kissed him goodbye one night, and the rest is history I guess," I chuckled as I used that phrase.

"So you're a couple? I didn't know Sebby had a girlfriend," Tilly told me, I hated to disagree but Seb and I weren't exactly a couple yet.

"Oh no, we- we aren't, well I don't think we are, I don't know what we are exactly," I told her honestly, yet Tilly smiled.

"Well, if it means anything, I think you are, he introduced you to us, which is a huge step, considering we're some kind of family for Sebby," Tilly told me, I smiled, "I don't think he would've brought you if you wouldn't have meant anything to him,"

"I guess you're right about that," I smiled quickly to Tilly, suddenly remembering we had to paint.

"And you? How did you meet Chris?" I asked her, I saw her smile at the sudden question while I just wanted to change the subject.

"I write stories and publish them online, Marvel read those and called me, they were looking for a new screen writer and they loved my stories so far," she started explaining, "I moved from Belgium, and a few nights later I was sitting at a diner with the cast, next to Chris and Sebby actually," Tilly smiled at me, I smiled back, actually interested in this story.

"As I got closer with the cast, one of them, Elisabeth, invited me over to a party, that's where I slept with Chris in the same bed," Tilly chuckled, "Ever since that night we never slept apart, unless we really had to," Tilly confessed to me.

"But why?" I asked her.

"I don't know, I guess we both felt relaxed when we were together, which made it easier to sleep. And us being silly we made up excuses not to sleep apart anymore, it actually took a few months before we had our first kiss," Tilly confessed again.

"Really?" I asked her, "Even if you slept together every night?" I never thought it was possible to sleep with one another without kissing.

"Jeez Mila, just sleeping! I was still a virgin on my twenty-first birthday!" she dramatically yelled, which made me laugh.

"But you aren't anymore, are you?" I smirked at her, which made her blush.

"I knew it!" I laughed, right then our boys walked in the room. I immediately looked at Sebastian and he immediately looked at me. We smiled at each other.

"What are you laughing about?" Seb asked me as he kissed me on my cheek.

"Nothing!" Tilly yelled, hoping I would keep quiet about it.

"Tilly's virginity," I answered Seb, starting to laugh again.

"What's to laugh about it?" Chris asked me seriously as he took a brush and started to paint.

"How you two walked around as horny teenagers without even kissing, let alone how long you have waited for her to lose her virginity," I chuckled as I gave my brush to Seb, knowing he wouldn't start painting unless I gave him reason to. I took another brush and started painting again. Chris and Tilly both blushed at my statement before Tilly made her comeback.

"Well, at least we were together quickly after we kissed that night at the pub," Tilly smirked at Seb and me, knowing we both wanted to be a couple but neither of us were ready for that commitment. Seb and I both started blushing while Chris gave Tilly a high-five.

"Burn!" Chris commented before he and Tilly started laughing again.

"At least we didn't wait as long as you to sleep together, and yes Tilly, in the other meaning of the word," I commented, hoping she didn't take it wrongly. I knew she took it the right way when she started blushing.

"But then again, we were already together when we did it," Chris commented, Seb and I started blushing again as we noticed what I just confessed to them. All four of us kept quiet for a while before I spoke up again.

"How old are you again?" I bluntly asked Tilly, not knowing how old she actually was.

"Twenty-one, soon to be twenty-two," she chuckled, already knowing I thought it was young.

"That is quite young," I spoke up, more to myself than the others.

"I know," Tilly bluntly said.

"I'm twenty-six," I told her, trying to make it up for bluntly asking her age.

"That is quite old," she copied my comment from earlier, but both our boys interfered.

"Hey!" they both yelled at us, although they were both smiling, knowing we were just teasing them.

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