Crushin' Hard- A High School Romance

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"You idiot! I never want to see you again, you cheating bastard!"  I yelled in his face.

"It's not what you think! She's my... cousin,"  he replied frantically.

"Then why the hell were you making out with her on my bed! In my bedroom! In my HOUSE!" I screamed at him. A tense silence filled the room.

"Exactly! Now GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" Tears were practically rushing down my face by now. "I'm sor-" I cut him off.

"Stop fricking apologizing!  I don't want pity and I most certainly do NOT want your fucking apology! GO!" All I felt was heartbreak. "I'm sorry about this," was all he said before he and his new bimbo of a girlfriend clambered into his truck and drove out of my life for good.


Confusing, I know. Believe me, every time I look back on that day, the more confused I become. Now that I think about it, every minute I was dating him, it felt.. weird,  almost as if a presence was goading me to break up with him.

Anyway,  back to the matter at hand. I'm Avery O'Conner, and this is my story.


Hi. alithegranny123 here. I have a few rules for u guys.

1. NO hate whatsoever. Do any of you know how hurtful hate is? If you wish to say something about the chapters,  say it nicely. I'm only 12, so don't disempower me.

2. PLEASE vote and comment. Contrary to my first rule, I will accept constructive criticism.

3. IF you do not like my story and you think it's crappy, gtfo.

I will try to update as often as I can until April 17th or 18th,  bcuz I have school.

If you want to ask me questions about me, say so in the comments.  Don't be afraid to ask me anything. Ask simple questions, like "What's your favorite color?  Where are you from?"  Stuff like that.

Goodbye, my cookie monsters!

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