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if you would have asked me 3 months ago, how i would be spending my summer vacation, i would have said laying around the house or maybe just hanging with the few friends, (mianly Bree). i would have never said, im hanging out with my werid family in Scarlett lake. never. ever. if the oddness of the flower house didn't send people running it was the fact that my aunt and uncle were free hippies, stuck in the 70's. they have camp fires out back and sing songs about mother earth and eat stricktly vegtrian. (im a canivor i need meat). so when my parents came to me saying that i would be going to scarlett lake, i refused, bickered, even cried but they said your spending the summer there to get to know your sister in law and re-connect with your family AND. THATS. FIANL.

"its Becca" i say tugging more on my sleves, and she only raises an eyebrow. i've always been jealous of people who could do that, so when i try to mimic her, it only looks like im surpised and makes her eye brow crease deepens at the thought. "i like Rebecca better" she says opening the screen door with one hand. the cat still in her arms hisses at my presence. dont worry cat i dont want to be here more than you want me here. "you might not remeber my name, since the last time you where here" i start to fallow her in my sneakers sqeek on the tile floor, the front room smells like honey and dew. "Elsa" i say quickly looking around, in the front room is a laundry area, with laundry in the wash. "it wasn't that long ago"   Elsa looks back at me with a smile and shrugs slightly, she starts to pet her cat behind the ear and i hear a soft pur. "and this is pumpkin" the cat opens its bright orange eyes when she stops petting him, or her.  when its eyes met mine, i got hiss as a hello. "im guessing he dosent like new people" Elsa only shurgs and walks threw another door.  Elsa was two years younger than i was, so it ment she was only fifteen now. last time i saw her she clung to a stuff cat and wore her dark hair in two knots on her head, but now. whoa. Her dark honey brown eyes are surrounded by heavy makeup, her face looks like it was smacked by a ghost and only spread to the outer corners of her chin and her hair long light brown hung loosely over her shoulders, just above her waist. just like in the christmas photos...

walking threw the door, i step into the living room, that hasent changed in the last nine years. The house has a big living room, it had a huge rock-like fire place that took up little space of the all, ment only for winter time (with fake logs, of course). a dinky old T.v that looks like it hasnt been touched in years and can probably only get the same chanel it did before. theres a large dinning table closest to the kitchen, a larg sprial staircase that leads to the second floor, which Elsa starts climbing. I could hear, Jason's loud treds and grunts, probably struggling to get threw the door. Elsa stops in the middle of the staircase, staring at me. "arent you coming?" she spats, my feet qucikly move but i can feel them wallboling under me. the staircase is made of steal and shakes when you walk to fast on it, its to small for two people to walk down it at the same time. By the time Jason walks in with my bags, were already at the top of the stairs and he is panting "what do you have in these bags? rocks?" Elsa laughs. She starts to walk towards a room in the far back next to a tiny bathroom, ment for one. "this is your room, the bathroom is right here" she casuly points to it with her one free hand. "Mom, Dad and Maggie will be back in a hour they went to go get dinner" as Elsa starts to walk away she goes into a room next to it. standing alone in the hallway i open the door to my room, which has a larg bed, made perfectly, a small lamp, desser and a larg window over looking the back yard and part of the nieghbor's back yard. sunddenly the room feels stuffy, so i tred over to the window and see if it opens and when it dose a huge blast of fresh air beats my face with the smell of muggy lake water. turning my back to the window letting the window, feeling the air cool down from the hot day. i look at the white walls and see a dreamcatcher hanging on the wall. wrapped in tan leather, a perfect web of thread, three white feathers hanging from with teal beads. it starts to blow slightly in the wind. titlting my head slightly it almost seems to dance in the wind.

"pretty aint it?" i jump at the sudden voice, Jason stands in the door way with my bags, how he got up the stairs so fast i will never know. i look at him for a second but then back at the dreamcatcher. "yeah it is, who made it?" i ask "the neighbor boy, Sam,  he is talented." i try to remeber a boy named Sam ever living next door but nothing appears, he must have moved in after i left or are paths never crossed. "yeah, talented" i mutter under my breath. Jason sets my things nearest the dresser, and lets out a breath with a smile. His blonde hair starts to flutter in the wind slightly. "well I'm going to head next door, Christina and i will be over for dinner" all i do is nod turning back to the window letting my hands rest on the rail and looking at the trees blow in the wind with the lake and sunset in the back ground. "i know you still think this sucks Becca, but you just got here. give it time. and hey maybe youll see its not so bad here and want to come live with me and Chirssy" his words are rushed like he wanted them out in the open before he could change his mind about saying them, when i dont respond he touches my shoulder and closes the door. i know he would love for me to live here full time,  being so far away, and us ot visiting as often must crush him inside. we havent visted since the wedding...

and even then we left in a rush. it was small wedding, it was only us and Christinas family, but our life back home was calling us with responsbilities. guilt hit me like a shit ton of rocks.

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