Early morning

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Over the next few weeks I learned too do two things, plug my nose and swallow even the worst vegetarian meals that April and John where trying to scarf down my throat and know that anywhere I go Austin or Sam would pop out of no where. when I go to the key market, getting more used to the smell if sour milk. kinda. where it seems to be a default hang out for Austin and his friends and Sam hangs out near the lake mainly with his family or when he isn't there I see him drive a white truck down the dirt road stoping slightly where I stand. "need a ride somewhere?" he usually caught me on the way to the market or walking around but I didn't want to bother him usually but the thought of sitting close to him in a truck gave me thrills and butterflies.

Today was Thursday. And it was a regular Thursday morning, until Elsa banged on my door with her meaty fist. "REBECCA! SOMEONES AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!" Elsa yelled and swore the house shook. my eyes fly open and I moan, looking at my phone with no signal, I was starting to get used to it. when the clock read 6 am I groaned. "That fuck Elsa it's six am go away!" I pull my blanket over my head but Elsa keeps banging, tell she opens the door and it slams against the wall. she started to shake my side tell I sprung up annoyed, she wore shorts and sleep top, her long hair was in a large bun on the top of her head. "he is standing outside, and if you don't go out there I think you'll regret it" when I thought she was mad, the smile on her face was wide. When her smile dosen't fade I jump from the bed, almost sliding down the rail, with Elsa close to my heels. peeking out the window closest to the door, Sam stood, he wore a plad shirt with a white undershirt, blue jeans and what looks like work boots. he stand with his hands in his pockets, waiting. without thinking I walk to the door and open it, letting the cooldish air hit me full on and blow my hair and before he could say even hello, I interrupt him. "what the hell are you doing here?" Sam laughs and looks at the ground "well we haven't hung out much since you first got here, because I either have work or family stuff" Sam meets my eyes "then you usually have family stuff or what Jason tells me, Becca stuff, whatever that might be" thinking I think, random wandering, usually. I'm almost eighteen I still don't know what I want to be when I'm older. fire fighter? doctor? the world is my oyster but I can't find the pearl. i look away for a second, of course he goes to Jason for help and advice. Itys the one thing he is really good at, being human. accepting falws and shows you what is right and what is wrong. I look around in the early morning, it was still dark outside but i know on the other side of the house the sun was slowly rising. "so you wanted to hang out, at six in the morning?" "well i was going into town for work and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me". The situation stands I could either stay home and risk running into Austin or doing absolutely nothing again it go into town with Sam."what will I be doing?" Sam smiles agin "hanging out, maybe run a few errands it's a construction sight and I'll be there tell four" "sure" without hesitation. We stand for a few minutes outside my toes starting to get cold from the wind. Sam clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck "you might want to get changed" I look down at my clothes, shorts, tank top, and no bra. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I cross my arms around my chest and Sam blushes slightly too. "I'm going to go change" I tripped walking threw the door and as I ran up the stairs. I threw on the first shorts I saw which where green, the first bra I saw and a white shirt. knowing I probably didn't have much time, it was a long drive into town. looking in the mirror I could see the slight tint of my purple bra behind my white shirt. Grabbing my stripped red cardigan I hope would cover it, also outside neighboring clouds were rolling in. As I ran down the stairs as fast as flip flops would let me I ran my fingers threw my hair and braided it. my aunt April was roaming down stairs lighting candles. "hey aunt April" I say by the door, her gentle eyes meet mine with a honeysuckle smile "good morning Rebecca" even her voice sounded like honey. "I'm going into town with Sam? is that okay I know it's last minute and all" I know I should have asked but at 6 morning I was surprised I was awake "it's fine darling just be back by 11 or earlier and keep in touch with Jason" I tap my phone which is in my side pocket "will do" I know I should hug her, since I got here I haven't showed her an ounce of compassion, only to uncle john really. being a daddies girl I guess it was easier.

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