somethings changing

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I woke up with drool and hair stuck to my face. Rolling over on to my back rubbing the hair from my face, my eyes find the dream catcher hanging on the wall, I didn't remember any dreams, so the catcher must have caught them. Sitting up stare stretching, I hear a snap crackle pop of my back and shoulders cracking. After Sam left last night, I sat in the same place until I had to drag Maggie away from a guy who gave me a look that was more lust than anger. Maggie was so wasted as we stumbled threw the house she could stop talking about James van der beek, I didn't even know who he was, but apparently he was on a show and was totally hot. When we got to the starlight room after constant fumbling and shhs to stay quite she flopped down on her bed and slept. I felt like a babysitter, looking after a very drunk 16 year old. By the time I got to my room no more light from fires glowed in the distance, I tied my hair in a knot on the top of my head, snaked out of the shorts that Maggie made me ware and plop into bed.

I feel the bottom of the feathers with gentle strokes, before kicking off my comforter, scrambling for my phone it 9:30. Day 1 at Scarlett lake i think. I try to accept I will be here for awhile and time to suck it up. Walking over to the window that has no curtains, I push it open and welcome in the sun and heat. The sky was blue, a beautiful day, might as well go look around. Walking over to my dresser making sure I was out of sight of people that might see me in the window. I put on my blue bikini, knowing I'll be living in a bikini this summer and a muted yellow dress. Walking into the bathroom I rip out the tiny knots I have in my hair and let it fall wavy and fuzzy. Painting my face with little make up, I looked normal. Longish wavy brown hair, blue eyes covered with concealer and mascara to hide my dark circles. Smiling slightly, I remember last night which wasn't a total bust I met Sam, who I might not see again, but he said I would defiantly and it made my stomach do a little flip. Opening the bathroom door, I jump back almost screaming to Elsa who has her hair in two braids, her face clear of makeup, which looks better on her, showing her tan skin that she gets from her father. She's still holding her cat, who once again hisses at me "wow you look different" Elsa says with a crooked smile, while attempting to slow down my heartbeat I try to smile,what is with her and popping up out of no where? "Yeah, I thought it would be nice" I say scooting past her, she still stands in the door way as I walk into my room. "Thanks for watching over Maggie last night, she's stupid when it comes to drinking" stopping in the middle of my room looking back at her with utter shock but her face looks the same, half sleepy p, half natural "you heard us?" I ask which made Elsa laugh "seriously? Rebecca this is normal thing, except I usually go with her but I guess since she heard that you went to a lot of parties back home, she wanted you" I fumble shocked "wait who told you I went to parties back home?" "Jason, he said it was the reason you where coming here to escape your bad choices" I threw my brush on to my bed, of course Jason would tell them that, almost like telling them I didn't come here by choice. I looked back at Elsa who was petting pumpkin behind the ear, avoiding me "well did Jason tell you that I never usually drank at those parties, I just always got in trouble for going to those" "and you thought by going to that one last night would get you sent back home?" She was still avoiding my eyes and the guilt of the sadness in her voice started to eat me alive "yes, but I'm trying to tough it out, because it's like the garden of Eden here. Nothing bad happens" Elsa started to laugh and finally met my eyes "you should have seen it when Jason and Christina got pregnant, a bunch of the religious folks around here went nuts saying they got pregnant on holy ground" I join her laughing so much that my side started to hurt "holy ground?" "Yeah apparently they don't know what happens out the woods about a mile away every night" with that were both laughing, Elsa so hard she puts down pumpkin who rubs on her legs for her attention. I take a good look at Elsa who's eyes seemed to glow more, I haven't had this much of a family expense since Jason left, it felt nice. "So your going to be giving this place and us a chance?" With us I smile and shock her and myself by hugging her, her chin barley rest on my shoulder but she wraps her hands around my waist and I say "defanilty" i turn to walk back into my room but quickly turn and catch Elsa closing the bathroom door "you should try to natural sometime, your beautiful the way you are" i catch a small smile before she closes the door completely.

That mornings breakfast all I could do was stare at deciding what the hell it was. Everyone ate it like it was a regular thing. Elsa causally looked at me as she ate but more looked at Maggie who looked like hell. She didn't come down tell her mom dragged her out from bed, she wore shoulder band tee and pink boxers, she picked at her food, occasionally eating it, while rubbing her temples. When April clears her throat I'm the only one who looks at her "how did you enjoy Claire's last night Rebecca?" I heard Maggie's spoon stop picking at her food, I knew she thought I might rat her out but I simply smiled, one more lie wouldn't kill her. "It was fun it actually made my mood shift around about staying here" which wasn't a total lie. But it made April smile and as my uncle john was reading the news paper he shifted it to the other page. "I'm glad your so far enjoying your time, all we want is for you to feel welcomed" I smile at him, for the rest of the meal we eat in silence and contains to wonder. "Elsa darling you also look beautiful this morning, i love your makeup" she smiled with a face filled with food. she didnt wear her unnatural foundation that didnt fit her skin tone, she just had a small amount of eyeliner on, she really did look good. 

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