little bad boy part two

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A few hours after breakfast Jason and Christina came by, Christina's red hair was is a long curly braid, her skin glowed with a halo that I don't think was just from the baby. We sat on the couch, Jason watched me with a hard look as Christina talked about the baby. "We're having a girl and for longest time we couldn't think of a name and since the due date is at the end of July we finally picked a name" the thought of me actually being an aunt was beyond me, I would have responsibility, not as much as a parent but enough for my niece to look up to me. "Where naming her Scarlett" Jason says gently placing his hand over her stomach "your naming her after the lake?" I try not to sound weirded out, but naming a kid after a lake where you live? "How are you not sure she will get made fun off here by the other kids?" Jason and Christina exchange looks and smile "she'll be stronger than bullies, just like you where" the thought of myself when I was in 2nd grade, running and crying the whole way home because some girls glued my braids together, making it seem like I had a beard, was one of the most humiliating days of my life. When Jason taught me how to stand up to them I felt confidence build up in me yet I got in trouble and had to sit in a corner all day. The day that Jason called us and said that they were pregnant our mom burst into tears and are dad had the look of a proud father. Me I tried to imagine Jason holding a son or daughter in his hands and calling them his, it was unthinkable at the time but now seeing Christina's oversized belly and Jason's protective hand around it, all I can think is will it have Christina's red hair or Jason's blonde? "Good " is all I can think to when April walks into the living room touching my shoulder slightly "Rebecca darling do you remember where the key market is?" I nod slightly remember passing it on the drive here and old memories of buying cheap lake toys. "Well, Maggie's sick and we were wondering if you wouldn't mind walking there to grab some medicine? Chuck will know what to give you" I open my mouth slightly, probably Maggie's hangover got worse and she told her mom it was a headache. And what else did I have planned for the day? Talking about baby clothes and bottles? No thank you. I smooth out my dress and look out the huge window that shinned in light "um yeah sure, at least it's a nice day" I giggle slightly and April smiles "thank you darling, I would do it myself but I have to go into town with uncle john, so we will be back as soon as we can with dinner" she places money on my hand and tells john she will be out in the van. F or being vegitrain, they sure dont make alot of there own food. clutching the money in my hands i stand, better late never. "i might as well do this now, since maggie is so sick" with saying so, Jason had a look on his face that said he knew she wasent sick but it was a hangover. i kiss Christnia on the cheek and hug jason goodbye. "you sure you dont want me to drive you kid?" i shake my head no and say "it's a nice day, don't want to waste it". as i walk threw the front door a blast of heat hits me, with rays of sunshine. not a cloud in the sky i think. even if a thunderstorm was to magically appear, i would still walk to avoid Jasons watchful hawk eyes and baby talk.


the walk to the key mareket is only about ffiteen minutes, when we were kids me and jason would race to the market from the house and whoever got there last had to buy the other ice cream or a new lake toy. now walking it alone, i get rock and dust stuck between my sandles and sweat from the heat. sometimes cars would drive by slowly nodding to me as they drove by not to be creepy, just friendly. everyone is really friendly here. the houses looked older and unused too as getting closer to the makert, boards out of place and the pain chipped long away on the houses, part of me knew these houses were abandoned and no one bought them or has the heart to tear them down if someone might buy them. But of course the only people who want to have a lake house at lake Scarlett remodel a huge house, right on the water. 

When the key market comes into view, I almost drowned in sweat and would strip for water. okay maybe not strip but you get the idea. Key market is an old building that has a old green brick roof, white walls, that has different shades of white to block the paint chips. When I open the door and ding rings, signaling someone is here. A cool rush of air hits me and I almost moan with relief. walking more into the market I only see a few people in the whole shop a man who must be chuck reads a news paper as a fan blows on him, a young girl with auburn hair sits in the floor reading a comic book and a boy with black hair swiped to the side, from where I was standing I could only see half of his dark brown eyes. Walking further into the store, Chuck smiled at me and said "hello may I help you?" And I nod slapping my money on the table "I came to get medication for my cousin Maggie? My aunt April said you would know what to give me" "ah April, yes I do" he takes a blue package from behind a counter which is behind lock and key. He rings me up and gives me the change, I don't bother reading the package, I count the money and go to the refrigerator section hoping I have enough to buy a water. Scanning row after, after row of sodas, the boy walks out from behind his row, that I noticed him before. he stands close enough to me to smell a combination of old spice and beer. When we looked at each other and when he looks away I do a double take his posture and wicked lust smile. he was the guy at the party, that was making out with Maggie. I hold my breath and find the first water and grab it. but when chuck rings me up I didn't have enough, "sorry, there's a vending machine out front" I nod and take my change. Looking back the guy stands in the spot he was in before. 

Back out in the blistering hot sun, I find the old coke machine. I stare at the machine that looks to old to work and it only sells Cokes an diet, better than nothing. to press a diet coke to make sure it works and when the bright light pop up saying 1.00 I stuff my krinkled dollar into it and press the diet coke button. seconds pass and no soda drops, it stands still. "seriously?" I say out loud to the world. I hit the machine once, then twice and three times and for good measure I kick it and stub my toe in the process "fuck". Wiping the back of my hand against my forehead I clear it of any sweat that was there a few seconds ago. " That thing almost never works" behind me was the boy waring a thin plad shirt and only half his buttons buttoned so you could see the sweat poring down his tan chest. Instead of being scared like I was with Sam I was annoyed and kicked the machine once again . "Thank you captain obvious" I hiss, which makes him laugh slightly, brining his cold water to his lips making my mouth instantly dry watching him drink it. The guy swaggers over to the machine and places a hand on it and almost purrs "it's like a women, you have to hit the right spots on it" I wrinkle my nose in distaste at the metaphor, but when he hits it on the side with one sold hand the silver can rolls out. "thanks" I fumble for the can popping it open and tasting it's sweet fake sugar. When I notice the boy staring at me which I now call bad-boy, not that he has done anything wrong is just the vibe, the liquor smell, the sly smile, almost feels forbidden. "What?" I say and he smiles more showing pearly white teeth "your Maggie's cousin right? Becca?" I hold out my arms as if presenting a show "the only one" I slowly start to walk off and when he walks after me, I feel like this how Bree feels on a regular basis, when guys fallow her around like lost puppies. 

Most guys I were attracted too where either guys that had girlfriends or ones that eventually Bree convinced me not to like, either because they weren't cool enough or she liked them herself. Bree was my best friend but sometimes she was a bitch. 

As the bad boy fallowed me down the road, I continuously drank my drink and walked. "I remember you from the party" he says "and I remember peeling my cousin off you" he laughs slightly running his fingers threw his dark hair and something inside me wanted to run my fingers threw it too. "Well I feel like we were never truly introduced, I'm Austin" he holds out his hand and when I take it, it's soft and when I try to let go he holds on to it "and I think your really hot" when I rip my hand from his I say "you sure know how to make a first impression, don't you?" Austin (aka bad boy) laughs "of course, but I was thinking there is another party tonight maybe you and me can" I stop dead in my tracks. is he really saying he wants to hook up with me? Sure his looks, the way he smiles and the way he runs his hair threw his hair makes me want to rip off his shirt now and let him have his way with me, but I remember Maggie who made out with him just the other night and no matter how hot he is and how he causally starts to unbutton the rest of his shirt letting his abs show.... 

Fuck, besides that, she is family and no matter how much they annoy me and make me want to leave I won't hurt them. I clear my throat trying to focus on anything by his lustful smile which suddenly got hotter, his dark hazel eyes were almost hypnotic. Everything about him screamed tall dark and fucking handsome. "Or maybe now, I know a great place by the lake no really goes there" wow is all I can think to say, he expects his looks to get a booty call, so he might get it from a lot of girls but yeah not from me. Austin steps a few inches closer to me and when his hands reach for my waist I step back laughing "you know I almost fell for it, but nah I'm going to have to say no I gotta get back to the house, but thanks anyways" with that I run faster than road runner, leaving him in the dust. looking back at him it almost looks like I slapped him but also I put up a fight and it was going to be a challenge. Looking down at the blue box which was regular pain killers made me think of Maggie and how she made out with that guy, what made her do that? Was it the drinking or something more than that?

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