Lake party part 2

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It took about two outfits to realize, that I wasn't going to go in a faux leather mini skirt and costume bra that lights up. When we finally agreed on shorts and a baby blue shirt that I was already waring, we started out the door. Her curls bounced as she hopped down the stairs making the stairs shake. John and April where downstairs, casually reading, like it was a regular Tuesday night. For all I knew THIS was a regular Tuesday night. "Bye mom, bye dad! Don't wait up" Maggie said in her most innocent voice, she walked fast towards the door and when her hand was on the door handle her fathers voice boomed up and she stopped cold in her tracts making me run into her. "I thought you where tried Rebecca?" Maggie looked at me cold in the eyes, clearly saying come on let's go. I looked at my uncle john who was reading secret life of bees. His caring brown eyes meet mine.

"I had a sudden burst of energy and though why the hell not" April looked up from her book and smiled "I'm so happy you did, a little cousin bonding time is exactly what's needed" I nodded then nodded to Maggie who opened the door slightly before her father spoke again "you'll be home by midnight, and try not to make to much noise and send Claire and her parents are love" "I sure will daddy" with that she opened the door and the magnetic pull I felt was daring. once we were outside I felt the cold air wishing I brought a jacket. "Where do your parents think we're going?" I ask once we're far down the trail only lit by porch lamps and fires. "My friend Claire's house, she'll be there too, so it's not technically lying" . With the slight glow from the houses I see bugs swarming around the light going crazy, with the amount of skin I was showing luckily I wasn't getting bitten. Trees surrounded us everywhere so I didn't exactly know where the woods started or ended; the hard gravel crushing under my feet told me we were still on the trail nearest the road. But once I felt the softer underground and the breaking of more twigs I knew we were deeper into the woods, past the safety of the trail and light. "So is this like a usual thing? Going getting drunk in the woods?" Maggie's pace had begin to get slower, i had no idea if she knew were she was going, but she seemed sure and unscared by the darkness of the woods. "its more of a summer thing, since only half of the people drink and its way to cold during the winter" from what i could tell from my eyes adjusting to the little light we had she studied me "how about you rebecca? is this your regualr cup of tea?" no not by choice. the words form on my toung but they never stumble out, instead ignore the question and stick my hands in the tiny short pockets.

when the orange flames came into perfect view i could see the perfect smile on Maggies lips, the party was in a clearing in the middle of the woods, probably were people go to camp but tonight the spot is reserved for underaged drinking. as we walked closer part of my gut told me this was a bad idea, Maggie only being sixteen, one year younger than me was hard to swallow, but wasnt i the same way?. did April and John know about this? of course not.

People surrounded the fire, girls dresses exactly like Maggie, sometimes drinking in huddles of girls or gluded to guys. when we finally come into view eyes fallow us with a welcome, of course everyone knew who she was. "everyone!" Maggie yells and everyone grows silent "this is my cousin Rebe-" "Becca" i cut her off quickly, the only people who call me that is family and i would like to keep it that way "its Becca" Maggie rolled her eyes, as some people raised there beer cans saying hi becca. A boy with dark bown hair, taller than both me and Maggie walked over to us, caring two cans of beer. "Welcome Becca, as the provider for this occasion, i welcome you" up close he didnt look older than ninteen; he handed a beer to Maggie who opened it the minute it landed in her hands. "I'm Damion" his way of a handshake was handing the cold beer in my hands, the coldness of the beer felt unwelcoming in my hand. "tonights the first day of summer ladies, time to have fun" Damion walks into the crowd, his tan skin glowing in the flames, yelling at a guy to turn up the music. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Maggie bring the cold beverage to her lips as she scans the crowd. When I believe she found who she was looking for she, leaves me standing in the dust with an un opened beer.

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