butterfly feeling

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After gaining the courage to knock on the door, the butterflies in my stomach wouldn't stop fluttering. when the door opens, my heart flips with seeing Sam, did this mean i like him? or was it the fact he didnt try to bang me with one word. but when a girl with blond hair opens the door, her hair hung at her shoulders and she had a soft smile plastered on her face. "hello, can i help you?" her voice was sweet, she folded here hands infront of her. the fluttering in my stomach stops and turns to a pit in my stomach, could this be his girlfriend or someone else? i start to stutter "um-um is Sam here?" her smile widens "yes he is, Sam! someone is here for you!" she looks back slightly and smiles again sticking out here hand "my name is Julie, I'm Sam's sister"  the pit disapears and turns to reilef, i have no reason to feel the jealosuy im not his girlfriend. in the distance kids yell and scream. Julie starts to laugh at the kids screaming. when a figure comes into the doorway, i instantly recognize Sam's side dimple. his smile is wide, i smile in return. "hey Becca" "hey" i say, i look at Julie who still stands next to her brother. Sam nudges at her and and she smiles "it was great to meet you, Becca"  when she says my name with slight anger, she scans my body giving me a slight dirty look, but i try to dismiss it. Sam causually leans against the doorway, he has a blue shirt on now. "whats up?" i fumble my hands, sticking the picture in my pocket, no sense of ruining it with sweaty hands. "i was wondering if you wanted to come by for dinner and maybe hang out after" i say fast and to the point, i close my mouth instantly, holding in any words that might try to slip out. "are you asking me out?" Sam steps out of the doorway more tell he is only a inch away from me, he flips the end of my braid, so that my neck shows, he causually leans down and kisses the top part of my neck and with will i lean back and get lost in him kissing my neck, not worrying about anyone seeing. when i feel his hands on my waist, my hands find his hard chest, his lips move from my neck to my chin, tell his eyes are looking into mine. "are you asking me out?" he repeats. 

blinking rapidly i realize none of that happened, Sam still stands in the doorway, he stuck his hands in his pockets, his lips parting slightly. shit i think, if that didnt prove i have feelings for him than i dont know what dose. i try to wipe any signs of distraction from my face and clear my throat. "if you call having dinner with my crazy family and hanging out after a date, then maybe but i would consider it getting to know each other again after nine years" the sides of his mouth grow wider and wider tell his smile is contagious "i didn't think you remeberd me" "actually i dont, not alot anyways. but i found this, or more Elsa told me about it and i reminded me that you were a fast swimmer" taking the photo out of my pocket and handing it to him, he smiled, he was always smiling. he looked at me and then back at the photo. "your hairs in a braid again" i look down at the braid and think , yeah like old times. "is that all you remeber?" Sam asks and i nod "the picture brought back a memory i didnt know i had" i look down at my feet, kicking a lone pebble "jason thinks i surpssed that summer, after are grandmother died, since i was so close to her, maybe you could help me fill in the lost pieces and maybe fill it with new memories" sticking my hands in my pockets, i look up slightly from the ground, "it would be my honnor my lady" i start to giggle "my lady?" "it seems formal, but i will and i will come eat dinner with you and hang out, let me just tell my parents and ill be right out" "okay" i hold my breath as he walks back inside and i casually walk off the porch, the butterflies where coming back. what would be wrong liking a guy, who called me my lady and made me happy? i almost felt like i was in a dream world, when Austins words came and poped it. he was with a group of guys, all in swim trunks he wore a muscle tee, which me and bree would call douche tees. "well hello Becca" he said, he stopped his group of friends who all looked at me with a lustful eye, i felt inscure like i was naked infront of them. "what do you want?" i spat "oh fisty, i like it. but i just wanted to tell you my offer earlier is still on the table, i know i probably didnt make the best first impression" behind him his friends were biting their lips like dirty horn dogs and doing that weird hand shake thing. "you didn't make any impression on me" Austins face twitched slightly as his friends oh'd at my come back. "well i would like too, come on, lets hang out once and i think i can change your mind" i cross my arms over my chest since i noticed one of his friends with blond hair was stairing at my boobs. "i don't think so" i start to walk back towards the house, letting my arms swing at my sides, when Austin catches my hand and gives me a look at makes me want to pounce on him and makeout, also my stomach starts to flutter slightly at his touch. what the hell? Austin takes off a braclett on his wrist, i didnt notice it before. it was a beaded braclett that was red and black, he slipped it on my wrist and patted it slightly "give me a chance, you'll see im a good guy. when you want to give me a chance you can find me and give this back, but if you dont" Austin looks back at his friends for a seond befor facing me again "then i lost a braclett" Austin gives me a sexy wink before walking away with his friends, leaving me standing in there dust. the feeling in my stomach dosent stop, even after his laughter has died down. Austin, douche Austin, who Maggie probably has a thing for, who he made out with at the party. 

i still stood in the same place, as i heard Sam footsteps run off the porch, "sorry, my mom had to give me a talk" "its fine was it the you have to take a sweater talk or your going out with a girl talk?" i ask with a laugh, are steps were small as we walked closer to my house. "nah, more like be a gentleman talk, like" he ran a head of me holding open the first door that led to the house. he gave me a small bow as i got closer to the house "my lady"  as i walk threw the door i smile. the feeling in my stomach was the same, and it was the same when i was talking with Austin, but i didnt think about making out with Austin as i did vividly with Sam. my heart and brain sunddenly feeling confused, how could i be feeling two diffenrnt things for two differnent guys? mentally i let out a huff with the relaization that my life was turning into a chick flick. 

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