maybe Scarlett lake isn't so bad part two

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Back in my room, it was stuffy and hot, so I open the window, feeling the cool air relaxes me. I notice my phone lying on my bed and try sticking out the window to find some bars still without luck. Bree's text still left un replied. Don't do annoying I wouldn't do. Well Bree when I do do things you do there either a huge bust or I'm to much of myself to do anything else. Throwing my phone on to the bed, I look out the window and see the lake peeking threw the trees, the sudden erg to dip my feet in cold water is to much to handle I almost jump out the window. I yelled to Elsa that I would be back later, with a wave of her hand I knew she heard me. Fallowing paths here came back from memory I thought I lost years ago. The lake was a short walk from the house, the closest part was near a park were me and Jason would go and play on the rocks where the water would rush over when boats raced by. On this side of the community of lake houses more and more people were enjoying the beautiful day outside, kids ran besides and around screaming, families played volleyball. This side of the town that formed here was much more alive. When I come to the cross roads I know turning would get me to the lake and going straight would get me to the party grounds, without hesitation I turn. Memories of the lake come rushing threw my mind like a waterfall, when me, Jason, Maggie would go before Elsa was born, then when she was a tiny baby. It was always the most fun, even though I never liked swimming out far into the lake, the feeling of water bouncing against my legs was hypnotic. The lake was larger I remembered it stretched out for miles and even had houses on the other side of the lake were boats were docked, it was never the sight for a high class country club and still isn't. The play ground closest to the house is tiny. There's a large road that takes up most of the land, that's meant for large trucks dumbing boats in the lake. Part of the land has grass, nearly towards the old play structure. But separating the water from the land are rocks, little rocks, big rocks, every kind. I used to remember me and Maggie playing on the rocks and while my mom would be terrified, April would be totally fine with it. i start to walk towards the rocks, and the distant sound of laughter hits my ears. slipping off my sandles i hold on to the straps as i balance carfully on the slipper rocks. placing my feet in the right place, cold lake water washes over my toes. my dress starts to dance in the wind. as boats zoom past the waves grow stronger and splash up to my mid thigh. from here i had a different view of thw world, or more the lake, the beauty and the sight of a new rope swing. i could feel a smile forming on my lips, here felt right. i close my eyes and face my face towards the sun, here the sun didn't feel to strong or hot. i don't know how long i stood like that, but i could have for longer if i didnt hear someone call my name "Becca?" making a sharp turn on the large slipppery rock i stood on, i slid cutting my foot and falling into the lake. the water wasnt shallow here, it was the part of the lake that started to deepen where rocks were the only things that could catch my lungs screamed for air, as i sank like a rock to the bottom of the lake, its not that i couldn't swim, but the pain from my foot was throbbing from the cut and was studdened to move. The lake water blurred my eyes, that all i saw was green water. flopping around trying to make it so i wouldnt hit my head, i felt arms around me bringing me to the surface. when i i felt air hit my face i opened my mouth hungerly breathing. whoever held me i didnt fight them. i pulled wet air from my face as i started to cough viciously.  i started to blink to make sense of my surrounding, when a figure appeard infront of my eyes, wet hair stuck to his forhead, his breathing was rapid and he was speaking words i couldnt hear, with one more cough my ears popped and i heard the words "are you okay?" repeadily. blinking a few more times, Sam face came into veiw. his eyebrows were struch together as he leaned in more pushing a wet piece of hair out of my face. "becca, are you with me?" instead of being my hero or a lame uh-huh i snap "shit, what the hell was that!" i yell and he leans back and sits on the ground next to me running his fingers threw his hair. "I'm sorry, i didn't know you would freak out like that, i guess i have that effect on you" his lips were smirking and i knew he was surpresing a laugh. "this isnt funny" i say, looking down at my dress which is now soaked and i even lost my sandles in the accident. "it kinda is though, what where you doing out there? everyone knows the further you go out on the rocks the deeper it gets" i give him a hard look in the eye, in the daylight there hazel but have more green than brown. i think about why i was out there, knowing i could easily slip. the corner of my lips turn up "defying my mother?" Sam laughs a deep manly laugh "really? thats the lamest reason" "well im a lame person" i start to stand up ignoring my foot and the blood i know thats poring out of it. "your not lame Becca, your differnt and i like differnt" looking back down at where he sat, he gave me a white smile, showing his cute side dimple. i start to giggle and walk away and instead of walking away with a witty comment like thats great to know or you havent seen a werid person like me before. i fall to the ground with one step on my bad foot, which has a huge gash on the bottom, Sam's at my side the instant i go to the ground, being this close and not fighting death i notice his green shirt that clings to his chest, that shows every mucsle in his chest. "Becca? are you okay" shaking my head i bring my foot into view and the sight almost makes me want to barf, the sides of my foot looks like it was taken off by a knife and the blood gushed rapidly. Sam rips off his shirt and starts to tug at it, tell it rips. he carefully takes my bloody foot in his hand and raps it with the shreds of his shirt. Sam with a shirt on, was nice but him without a shirt, uses the term panties flying off with one look. his skin was tan and had a slight farmers tan but wasnt to noticable unless you looked hard, drips of water ran down his mucsely arms, which werent to muscley, but enough to know he had them. his abs where noticable so when he stood up and grabbed my elbow my eyes couldnt stop drooling. "come on, we have to get that cleaned up" when standing, i thought he was going to let me walk but when he scooped up my legs and carried me along the road, under my clamy hands i felt his muscles moving back and forth. swollowing every thought in my brain, a question came along in my brain and i jerked my head towards him. "how do you know my name?". 

 Sam laughed as he carried me over to the place where a patch of grass has grown into  picnic area, he sets me down on of the tables gentley removing his shirt band aid. when he was untieing the knots of the shirt he finallt answered me "maggie, at the part last night she practically screamed it and when you fell you told me your name then, when i was cleaning your back" i feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, from embrassement. all ive been is making him eye candy and yelling at him when all he has done is help me. "thank you" i say his eyes meet mine and they almost smile "your welcome, im still sorry about scaring you. i saw you when i was helping out some kids and i thought" he stops mid sentece to remove the sticky, bloddy shirt and walk over to a near by water fountain to soak it, when he dosent contuine i ask "you thought what?" rigging out the shirt, sunlight hits him so perfectly i could see ever muscule in his face, body tense up. "keep promise with seeing you again" "you never made me a promise though" i laugh lightly but he dosen't so i stop when he walks back over to me and places the wet rag, rung of blood to my foot i wince "sorry" he gently presess it down and some of the pain eases. "but i made a promise to myself, that i would try to see you again. your differnt and it makes me curious" my heart starts to flutter suddenly faster and faster, my palms start to grow sweaty and everything seemed like a sappy love story where they guy and the girl fall for each other magically. i try to remind myself that its the real world and im just some new girl that is new, like when Austin saw me, i was just some New girl he hasent banged yet. rubbing my hands on my wet dress, i ring out my hair to brake eye contact with Sam, his beatiful eyes are to much to look at now. when he wraps up my foot, he scoops me up in his arms and i try not to care how it feels like he makes feel being in his arms. "lets take you home, you need some some medchine for that" walking away from the lake i peek over his shoulder one last time at the tiny waves. when were half way home i relaize i never gave him directions to the house "you know where i live?" "in a tiny town like this you know where everyone lives and who lives in which house pretty much" so in a way everyone in this town is a nice stalker. creepy. when we turn on to our street i poke him in the chest. "you should probaly put me down now, i don't think my aunt and uncle or even my brother would like seeing a shirtless guy caring me around, espcially one that owes me new sandles" Sam smiles, tighting his grip on my hip and legs "i know jason pretty well and i dont think April and john would do anything so your fine, but ill set you down on the porch" the driveway was still clear of April and John being home, so still it would be me, maggie and elsa. which means staring at my celiing tell dinner. when sam sets me down slightly i balance on one foot holding on the door for support. "maybe we could hang out tonigh, go into town maybe, you know afer your foot is in better condition" i wiggle my foot sligtly, knowing he will never get his shirt back, but i dont think he minds. i bite the inside of my lip and nod slightly "maybe, ill have to see what were doing tonight" Sam only nods in acceptance and walks off the porch i watch him walk ten steps down the road before walking on to the porch facing mine. he turns by me with a sly smile "if you change your mind, youll know where to find me" when he walks threw the door, i hear it slam and stand there studdend, as if someone pushed me into the lake again. 

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