precaution when kissing

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in fairy tales, often when the prince kisses the princess she either wakes up or finds out that he is her true love with one simple kiss. Usually the prince is someone of a royal court, practially mader from Disney to be the perfect guy and make girls want what they read in fairy tales. All my life i wanted a prince charming, to come sweep me off my feet, kiss me the way a princess should be kissed and head into the sunset, living happily ever after. But now kissing Sam was better than i could have imagined my whole life and was way better than a fairy tale kiss.

The duration of the kiss was soft at first and slowly started to get steamier. Sam's hands found my waist and pulled me in. i reached behind his neck and pulled him closer feeling my sefl rise on my toes to get a better positon. this was my first kiss i wasn't drunk or forced, this is a first kiss i actually didn't want to end. one of Sam's hand touched my cheek, while the other remained at my waist, his lips where soft and tasted like stew. his fingers ran effortsly threw my tanlged hair like it was water, something deep inside me steard and i knew my heart was racing, i didnt know if they where fireworks, but it sure felt like it.  When Sam pulled away, he kept his forehead on mine and kept me close, are breathing were both extremely heavy. When Sam smiled i saw his dimple, is only one dimple. "you don't know how long ive wanted to do that" looking into his eyes i bit my lip slightly trying to be flirty, "you don't have to stop" Sam kissed me once more and explotion ran threw me i felt like i could run a mile after that. after another round of kissing i felt like i was drunk. Sam smiled widely and kept me close to his body, "we should get out of here, before it really starts to pore" looking around me i saw that the storm was getting worse, you could barley see the building of the offices or even the town. Sam grabbed my hand as we ran towards th car he didn't let go of my hand tell he helped me into the car, the entier car ride we were laughing, its like kissing Sam brought out sides of me that i was to scared to open up. i told him funny stories of my childhood and about Bree.  the hole time, whenever he didn't have his hand on the gear shift it was always touching me, it was nice.

every once in awhile he would jerk from my hand to slow down and switch gears isntantly, but it came with a soft sorry and a return of his hand in mine. when we started to drive on the now muddy roads, i knew we where in a no cell phone service area. bree was my only friend who i could possbily tell, i could tell Elsa but she was young she might not understand everything about falling for someone. yet. there was Maggie, but she was to much into, whatver she was into. when i relaized i didnt have someone to tell other than myself, it felt lonely in an almost perfect world. when he drove into our driveways he parked directly in the middle, without a second thought i slid over to him and his arms were wrapped around me, part of me knew this was the start of something but i wanted to hear him say it. are foreheads touched and it was like unspoken words, in his eyes i knew what he was thinking almost, like he wanted me to say it out loud, but his next words i couldnt even explain. 

"i love you Becca" 

you know the feeling when falling off a bulidng or flying in a dream and you wake up, falling and thrashing on your bed like a wild man? well besides thrashing around i stunded in his arms, he couldnt be one of those creeps who fell in love after one kiss, we arent even dating. "what?" i almost wanted to push him away and say get away from me, but this was Sam he had to have a valid reason. he had too. "i love you Becca" he reptated "I've liked you since we first met that summer, after you left i was crushed to only see your brother return, you never left my mind, you where always there and when i saw you at the part i thought, it couldnt be you, it just couldnt be" as i let his words sink into me, i start to relax, was all this really true? or some hoax to get me to sleep with him? part of me knew it wasn't and the fluttering in my heart returned. Sam pushed a piece of mop hair out of my face, there always seemed to be a strand a hair in my face, just ment to have him move it. "but when it was, i knew i wasnt going to let the oppertuniy slip by, you Becca are, i cant even find the right words to say" part of me thought it was sweet that he couldnt but part of me craved for more, but fear creeped its nasty head into me, knowing my parents love looked more like something that wasnt real, but what Jason and Christnia had, you could see the love in there eyes, if it wasnt oozing off there skin. "i-i'm not good at this, sure the i love you thing threw me off because up tell a few weeks ago, i barley remeberd you, but not intentionally" i stuttered before collecting my words. around us everything seemed to grow lighter with the conversation, the pouring rain, lightened to a light sprinkle, the clapping thunder dimmed down tell it was manly raining and the passing storm was leaving, sometimes its how i feel like gose, yes sometimes life brings you lemons and you can make lemonade, but sometimes life brings a storm and the only way to get threw it was pass it and the storm inside me was built up for so many years i could feel the sunshine and rainbow inside me. when Sam grappped my hand he gave it a tight sweeze i looked into his eyes and i could see they looked more green today, almost like shinny emeralds. "so do you want to give us a chance? ive been waiting nine years for the oppertunity" he hand grows warmer in mine and starts to slowly circle the side of my thumb "and i don't want to give up" i think back ti before, when i first arrived and thought it was going to be the worst trip, because of my crazy family, but after 9 years and finding out things i couldnt remeber and people i couldnt remeber, i relaized everything changed, i loved my family and everyone in it, even though Maggie was the annoying little sister i wish i didn't have. i had my older brother back with my great new sister in law and baby niece coming soon, i had an amazing guy, who apperntly has wanted me since he laid eyes on me, the sound of fireworks went off in my head, as the moment i first saw him, he was something i could dream off. dream of. thinking abotu dreams reminded me of the dream catcher in my room, made espcailly for my room . "did you make the dream catcher in my room?" i asked and Sam's smile explained it all, his own hands that i hold right now created something so beatiful, Sam might not be a prince, who wares tight leggings and frily hats with larg feathers from fairy tales, but Sam was something better on that, he was literally the boy of my dreams, someone who could creat things so beatiful, i didn't need no prince charming when i had Sam. 

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