the boy from the past part one

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after wrapping my hair tightly in the towl,  believe i finally rid the lake water from my hair and body. wipping the steam covered mirror i stare at my reflection, while i balnce on the tip of my toe, avoiding the gash, because of this ill be walking weird. when i walked in the door after the accident, Elsa pounced on me saying she saw Sam carrying me threw the window and wanted to know everything that happened. "nothing happended" i muttered limping towards the starts, Elsa piecred her lips and gave me a look that said yeah right. "a boy was carrying you shirtless and your leading me to believe that nothing happend? first Austin wants your body and now Sam" i try to shhh her signaling that Maggie was in the other room and still not knowing her feelings towards Austin, i didnt want to flant that he wanted his cousin. "Sam dosen't want me he was just being nice, now could you be nice and get me something for my foot?" Elsa climbed from her spot on the couch, over to a cambnet near the dinning room pulling out a box full of band aids, handing me the box she crosses her arms. as i start to remove whats left of Sam's shirt and replace it with clean bandage and proxide, i notice Elsa is still standing infront of me with her arms crosses. letting out a breath, i look up at her once my foot is wrapped. "what?" i say "bullshit" Elsa dosen't stutter at the word and hearing Elsa cuss was like hearing a kindergaurdner cuss. "Bullshit! Rebecca" she repeats. i sit there stunned "if he wanted you before, then he still dose!" Elsa struts away grabbing her book and walking up the stairs, as i try to make sense of if he wanted me then, then he still dose. "wait!" i yell to her and she stops in the middle of the stairs, her black hair falling over her shoulder. "what do you mean? he still dose?" a small smile appears on her lips, today she wore no makeup still from this morning, so when she smiled it wasnt covered by wrinkles in her pale makeup. "you don't remeber?" i shake my head slightly "theres pictures in the bathroom, look at them. they might jog some memory" and with that she walks the rest of the stairs and i stay silent.

years ago, when we would all visit the lake together as a family, when work wasnt the main focus in my parents lives, we would squish into couches and the room they had avaliable to us. during the day are parents wouldnt worry about us getting lost or in trouble since it was a quite lake neighborhood, where nothing really bad happened. Since there werent many kids yet, me and jason would get to know the few that were actually there. we would always meet them at the lake and play with them from dusk tell dawn, when i was seven a year before i decided i didnt want to come to the lake anymore, i remeber me and jason met two boys who were faternal twins. one was instrested in playing with jason, which ment glatators in the water and whoever could push the other in the water first won. the other played with me in the sand and raced with me to the part of the lake where we could no longer touch the bottom. that whole summer they played with us at the lake, we never knew were each other lived but it didnt matter we had the lake. at the end of the summer Aunt April told us to squish together for a photo. Looking at the photo now, jasons blond hair was spiked up and he had his warrior face on, so did the twin he was friends with, we could tell who was who, by there faces. but from behind they both had the same sandy blond hair. i was in the middle, laughing, my hair was in braids like it always was and next to me was the other twin holding on to my side, he was the only one fully ready and smiling. leaning closer to the picture on the bathroom wall, i noticed a small dimple only on one side of his cheek. Sam. my heart skipped a beat and all of the blank names in my memory came back, how could after 10 years did i forget that was Sam? i try to place the Sam now to the one before, his hair was darker now and he was taller looking nothing like himself when we were younger. but everything i remeber about him is that he was a faster swimmer than me, nothing else. why? and it still didnt explain why Elsa said he wanted me then. he and his brother where one year older than me, so when he was 8 and i was 7 he wanted me, still means when im 17 and he is 18 he still wants me? dosen't make sense 

taking the photo off the way, i open the door to the bathroom, walking into my room. setting the photo on the nightstand near my bed. everything i know about him is a blank. outside the window i see someone mowing in the back yard, knowing its probably not to smart to stand near the window half naked i throw on purple shirt that flows around my waist and shorts. i put on socks, more on my cut foot so i could easily walk on it. walking carefully my eyes catch the dream catcher. did sam make that? did his gentle fingers that clutches on to me and save me, creat something so beatiful? glancing out the window, i could almost smell the fresh grass, when the person mowing comes into veiw i recognize the curves of Sams body, glancing between all the things that remind me of Sam, i relaize its the only thing i can remeber. i know nothing about the boy who saved my life.

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