Night swimming part two

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Sam discreetly leaned in more, with the lantern floating next to us. It almost gave it a romantic feel. In the distance there was a loud laugh. The sound of more people jumping into the water for a night swim. I swallow down whatever feelings where inside and say "maybe we should go back" the way Sam bites his lip back, almost makes me regret the words. "yeah, sure" he says, with one more look at each other. We start to swim back, climbing on the end he back to the soft grass. the moon had finally become full and shined against are skin. Sam set the lantern on the grass to give us some light. when I start to put on my shorts I caught Sam out of the corner of my eye watching me, when I button my pants. I face him, not caring that he is seeing me in my bra. I try to stand tall but when he straightens his back, he was holding his shirt in his left hand. What can I say to him? Sorry i didn't kiss you, because I'm so god damn awkward, even though I really wanted too.

"Uhh do you know where my shirt is?" Well it's something. He searches the ground slightly and shakes his head. "It's to dark, here" he hands me his shirt. "Thanks" his shirt hung on me loosely, and smelled like old spice. Part of me wanted to just smell it and get lost in it, but I knew it would be creepy. Sam sits shirtless on the ground, no blanket around his shoulders thought I know he must be cold, I hesitate sitting next to him. the look on his face was cold, distant almost. I sat on the back of my heels, dying to know what he was thinking. I was never good at breaking the ice but when I first met Bree she wanted nothing to do with me tell she found out I was weird and sometimes spontaneous. "what's your favorite color?" I ask dead serious, with the glow of the lantern I was hopping he would see the corners of my mouth turned in a smile. he looked at me raising an eyebrow, another talented one. "blue" Sam says "yours?" I could see a tiny smile appear on his lips. "Reflection" "reflection? That isn't a color" "it is too, it's like a mirror, they don't have one color because they reflect" Sam laughs and I shove him slightly "what?" Letting a light laugh escape me. "so it's basically a fancy way if saying you like every color?" "basically, colors are beautiful. Why should I pick just one?" I reply, sliding off my knees I sit more on the ground. Sam scoots closer to me "here come closer and bring the blanket, it's cold" I sit so close to him I'm almost on his lap the blanket once again on our shoulders. My hair was wet and stuck to my forehead, Sam ca usually brushed a piece away, he was always finding a way to touch me. the heat that spread between us, when I looked at him, his eyes were glued on to me. He started to lean this time, no hesitation. my heart almost stopped as his forehead touched mine, his breath was minty and had the slight tint of pasta sauce from dinner. this time I wasn't going to hesitate either, I wanted but part of me knew if it did happen it would turn into more, was a scared of something more or hungry for it? I closed my eyes slightly but when I didn't feel his lips on mine I looked into his eyes, they were half closed. "we should be heading back" he says with disappointment, I didn't know the exact time but I had a feeling he has lived here so long he knows what it looks like at every time. I breath out a sigh, not of relief and neither of disappointment either. "yeah, sure"

After packing up everything I clutched a blanket to my chest, still waring Sam's in a failed attempt to find my own shirt. "Will your parents freak if you walk in without a shirt?" I ask as we walk down the path, it wasn't a long walk back, but are pace was slow. "nah there usually in bed by 9, anyway I would think your uncle john or Jason would kill me if they saw you without a shirt on" Sam replies and I smile "very true" we don't talk about the two almost kiss, really we don't talk at all. part of me dosen't want this night to end and why should it? Oh right because my uncle says so. When we get closer the house my house let out a soft glow, while Sam's is darker. Sam shifts awkwardly in front if his house, kicking a rock slightly, I hand him the blanket without word, the light coming from my house I could see the outline of his face, he looked shy. "I had fun" I say "it was" what I did I didn't know I could do I laced my hands behind his neck and hugged him I hand to stand in my toes do reach fully, his hands reach behind me. Sam buried his nose into the crook of my neck, he brushes away my my hair so it fell behind my back and I felt his breath on my neck. "thank you" "it was nothing" when I let go I stand in face to face with him, my hands still resting on his shoulders and his on my waist "it wasn't nothing your helping me remember things I forgot" when I back away slightly his fingers linger at my side. a small smile appears on his face. I bite my lip slightly, enjoying the feeling of his fingers on my side. "will I see you again?" the words feel common on my lips and Sam leans down when his lips touch my cheek I swore I saw stars. "defiantly" Sam whispers.

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