the boy from the past part two

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walking down the stairs, my hands clutching a piece of time so tight that it might just wrinkel it. the living room was clear of anyone. i breathed out heavily as i quckily reach for the doornob when Maggies voice booms from the kitchen. "where you going?" Maggie stood in the door way of the kitchen leaning against it, her head cocked to the side. her purple hair looked faded and wet like she just showered. "out" i say and she laughs she says something else but im aleady out the door, feeling once again the sun on my skin, but in the distance the sun is going down. My feet start to move to the one person that may remeber, why i dont remeber much about the summer before i choose not to come here.

i stood on the porch, and staird at the door, where a welcome sigh hung. i felt a lump in my throat and i swallowed it down. leaning forward carefully i let land a soft knock to the door. leaning back on my heels i waited. when the door opened, Christina was holding a tub of ice cream and held a spoon in her mouth licking off the rest of the chocolate on the spoon. "Becca! i didn't expect to see you! come in!" Christina leans to the side to let me in, i scootch past her large stomach into the house which was small and comftable, the walls where painted a baby blue color, there was only one couch and chair in the living room and a t.v on the other side. there was a huge window covered by whit curtains and stairs that led up to the second story of the house. a doorway led to the kitchen and the backyard that i could easily see from my window. the house wasnt as big as John and Aprils but it was perfect enough for them. i bounce from heel to heel as christina stood next to me, still digging for ice cream. "well, is there anything i can get you? soda? water?" i shake my head no and and breath in the fresh aroma of brownies. "are you cooking brownies?" Christinas cheeks grew pink as she smiled, "yeah, the baby just loves choclate, its one way i knew it was a girl" she started to laugh and it made me smile, her laugh was full of life. "would you like one?" my stomach growled for choclate gooeyness, but i had to talk to Jason. "maybe later, but is jason here?" i ask and her eyes widen "yeah, he is here. JASON! BECCA'S HERE" when she yelled it did sound like she was yelling more screaming. Jason ran down the stairs the instant she yelled, jason. probably thinking her water broke and he need to speed off to the hospital 3 hours away. Jason walked down the stairs buttoning the rest of his baby puke green shirt, when he came closer i saw a little pink buttomon, that stood out from the rest. "hey, whats up?" he ask when he finally is face to face with me i unravle, the photo from the house, hoping no one will find the empty fram or that its missing from the bathroom. when i hand the picture to him he smiles "i remeber this, you and Sam where so close" in his eyes, they almost get lost in the picture, he looks up to mine and says "have you seen him since you came here?" i open my mouth then close it, biting down on my lip slightly. he knows the look. he glances at christnia and ask her with a smile "sweetheart do you mind give us a few minutes" she automatically nods and carefully walks up the stairs with her ice cream in hand. Jason walks over to the couch which up close has a flower pattern sowed into it he motions for me to sit and i do. i start to trace the pattern with my finger gently "its what i came to talk to you about" i wimper "i met Sam nermous times in the last twenty-four hours, but the werid thing is, i didnt remeber him at all, like this picuter i only remeber little things about that summer, between me and him, from what i remeber he was my best friend" nervosuly i start to braid my hair into a side braid, i tie it with a rubber band on my wrist. "that was the summer that grandma died remeber?" Jason whispers "it was hard, it was at the end of summer and you and grandma were so close, remeber? mom and dad sent to you constant therapy sessions, over the years you must have surprssed it" jason speaks softly and stops slightly to see if i understand, thinking back i  remeber her dying better than the back of my hand, i cried for weeks. hoping that she would come back, but she never did. Jason tucks a strand of my bangs behind my ear "it was tough year, not having her around" "yeah" a sudden chill came over me, i start to rub my arm feeling the goosebumps. the thought of my younger self surpressing the memories of that summer makes perfect sense, because thats all i could remeber from the summer. sadness washes over me, making my chest swell up. Jason places a hand over mine and squzees it "no sense in living in the past, we were young Becca, its time to make new memories. not live in the old" i felt the corner of my cheeks rise up and smile, he is right, i shouldnt be living in the past. "so isd this your way of saying that i should forget about bree and eveyone back home and start enjoying my time here?" Jasons hand gets tighter and warmer "hallelujah everyone, i think she finally gots it" i punch him slightly in the arm, which makes him laugh. i start to smile again, one of thr smiles he calls a Becca smile. when his laughter dies down, his face grows into protective brother mode. "so when you said you've seen Sam nermrous times in the last twenty four hours, what do you mean?" i sniffle me nose and whipe it with the back of my hand, i tell him how i went to the party with Maggie, his face got angry for a second but relaxed when i said i didn't drink and that i manily sat and talked to Sam, i told him about the lake and how he took care of me. "wow, so i ow him gradtiude for saving my baby sisters life" i punch his arm again. "you don't, he is just nice" i felt my cheeks start to burn as i look at he photo and think of him. "and he has those dreamy eyes" he leans on me, batting his eyes and holding his hands. i shove him off me, laughing. because he has me at the dreamy eyes. "shut up" he leans on me again, being the annoying older brother he is, with one good shove he is off and im standing walking towards the door. "are you coming tonight for dinner?" io ask my hand resting on the door knob. "most likely, with you in the house, April and John are bound to have more meat and you know when theres meat, ill be there" he leans his elbows on his knees facing me. "don't forget this" he holds out the photos with two fingers and the living room was so small i could grab it from the door, the picture was bended from me clutching it but it still held the memory. "dont loose that, it holds a wonderful memory" opening the door, walking out almost without a word. "i wouldnt dream of it",.

outside the door, the day grew cooler, from what i expected it to be late afternoon, the heat from the morning was muted and felt more relaxed, a soft breeze flew by bringing the smell of charcole and lemons. when i was close to the porch a red van pulled into the drive way. it honked slightly and April hands where waving outside the car. when they both walked out of the van they held white bags and the aroma of food, including meat. the smell almost made my mouth water. "Rebecca! sweethear where glad we saw you, do you enjoy chicken right?" Arpil said it with so much uncertaincy that she might have thought i went vegan. "yeah, i love any kind of meat trust me" April made a tight smile and mummbled "wonderful" under her breath, from the look on her face the sight of having meat in the house was horried. John grabed more bags from the back "do you need any help?" and he shakes his head "no rebecca but thank you" as he started to walk by holding the bags i glance towards Sams house, remebering the first night i saw into his backyard. "hey, uncle john?" he stops from the porch to the door looking at me threw his glasses "yes?" "do you mind if i invite someone to dinner?" his face looked slightly confused before a smile appeard on his lips "of course". with that smile i walk to him and hug him, thinking how i havent done it in years, it was nesscary but it felt right too. "thanks" when i let go his face looked shocked, but he qucikly dismissed it before smiling and walking into the house. i walked off the porch holding my breath, jason was right it was time to dismiss the past at least for the summer, all the mistakes, all parties eveyrthing and find out who the Becca was 8 years ago before i left. and it starts with Sam.

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