My Issue With The Schooling System Both Here And In America.

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I am in Highschool right now. Obviously.
Since day one of Grade 8 (I am no longer in Grade 8 by the way) they have been stuffing Christian stuff down our throats during assemblies . Not that I have an issue with Christianity as a whole. I don't mind it actually. The fact that they force it down our throats however is another story. The sad thing is Northcliff Highschool is NOT a Christian school. It is a Co-Ed and Co-Religion school.

During assemblies they force us to start with an opening prayer, forcing us to bow our heads. If we don't we get a break detention.

At the end of the assembly we end with a closing prayer with the same rules.

My issue with this is that parents and staff excuse this off with a simple sentence.
"Oh, don't worry. They don't NEED to follow the teachings or the words. They can choose for themselves. We don't mind what religion they choose."
This is a lie.
When the Muslim children attempted to request that the staff remove the prayers and all Christian activities because they aren't comfortable with it, can you guess what happened?
A select few Christian parents went crazy, attempting to have the ENTIRE Muslim populous of the school expelled.
Keep in mind not all Christians are like this. Most are aurally fantastic people.

This isn't just the act of forcing Christianity on students.

In Roosielex High they force Jewish activities during assemblies.

Do us all a favor. Save religious activities for Religious schools or at the least for after school. Don't force every student (NHS has 1500 students) of the school to conform to a religion. If we really are so far ahead with with diversity and acceptance then maybe we should start acting like it.

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