Roleplaying 101

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Okay, let's get this straight. Some people are idiots. It's a sad thing. Some people do ABSOLUTELY NO research on how to Roleplay BEFORE ROLEPLAYING!
So, let's clear that up!
If you have a Roleplayer in your RP book or know someone in general who SUCKS at Rp then please tag them here so they can READ THIS!

How not to turn off an RP
Don't make your character, early in the RP might I add, fall in love with someone. They can have a crush that develops but if it's almost instantaneously then the person behind the character you want yours to be with will either be put off and leave or feel pressured.

Keep the pace, don't speed up the Roleplay when the tone is set to be slow.

Don't make a plot decision without consulting the Rps owner. If you want to make an event happen that is of a rather large magnitude then PLEASE for the love of god ask the owner first.

Keeping your character realistic and grounded
Your character can die. They have no immunity unless they are a godlike being.
Here's the thing.
Characters still have flaws.
I cannot tell you the amount of times I've seen people make their characters overly beautiful with bulging breasts, muscles and abs. No. Have a reason for this.
Your character can get hit. They can't dodge everything. If they are asleep and someone is about to stab them to death and the killer is silent then how in hell is the character able to block the attack? Unless they were really awake the whole time. But then they'd have stat penalties due to not sleeping, like slow reaction time.

How to write your post
Third person is a must. Most rpers will ignore you if you can't type in first person.
Heres an example of an idiot.

I growled at her, slapping her hard.
"I said no."

You are not your character, get used to that. Don't control other people's characters either or throw a hit they can't dodge, instead do something like so;

He threw a punch, hoping to hit her in the gut.

This way your fellow rper has the option to dodge or not

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