Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my first ever story. The chapters WILL be short. I'll try to update at least once a day. Please let me know if this story is good, bad, what I should change, or any errors. Thanks so much for reading this story! Much love!! <3

My name is Zoey Lancaster. My best friend is Alexis Walton. She was an orphan at age 3 because her parents couldn't handle her but she does have an older brother, but she doesn't remember him. She was originally born in London, but her adopted parents brought her back to LA, where we met. We both live in an apartment together in Amsterdam. We met in LA at age 7 and when we were old enough, we wanted to move to Amsterdam and share an apartment with each other. We go to high-school, but we homeschool ourselves off of the internet. We're both 17 and I'm DEDICATED to One Direction while she's all about 5SOS. She thinks im CRAY-CRAY, but hey. She is too! I won 2 tickets to see them in concert, backstage. I, of course, FANGIRLED but she wasn't as happy. Anyways, long bio short, she is being dragged with me there and we're in the car now, of course, listening to all their music!

*Zoey's POV*


I was dancing around, AS MUCH AS I COULD, in the passenger seat of our car. Alexis was driving down to the Amsterdam ArenA for the 1D concert. Im just to PUMPED to even listen to her right now. I think she is telling me things. Well oh well for her. I AINT LISTENING!!

I continued dancing in my seat until she stopped in the middle of the road.

"Why did you stop now?"


"Well whats wrong with that?" I noticed the music was off by now.

"Your shaking the car, won't listen to me, and I can't focus on the road!"

"Sorry mother. I'll be calm and listen." Although I'm older by a few months, she acts more responsible in the car. Otherwise, we're both REALLY crazy.

"Don't call me mother. That's just weird. Anyways, I was trying to say that you can still sing and dance, please not that crazy though, but we're about 20 minutes away."

Well that got me even more excited.

"Excuse me real quick."

"Wha-what? Where are you going?"

"I need to step out of the car real quick. Hold on."

The moment I step out of that car, and close the door, I scream my head off. I couldn't keep it in anymore!

When I finished screaming and fangirling, I stepped back into the car and told her to go.

"Weirdo." I hear her mumble.

"Why yes, I am weird. Now are we gonna go so we can get there for the meet and greet? Or are you just gonna stall and make me hurt you?"

"I'm going! I'm going! Please don't bite me again! Anything but that!" she pleads.

Ha. She thinks I would've bit her. I would've done worse. WE'RE TALKING ABOUT 1D HERE!

I laugh at her and she speeds off, speed limit of course, and we're on our way towards the concert. Mile by mile.


Oh. I think I forgot to mention to Alexis that 5SOS is the opening up.. Oops? Oh well. She'll thank me later!

An Unforgettable Night *NO LONGER WRITING*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant