Chapter Eight : The Others

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Palette pov

I got up and stretched hearing the satisfying popping noise, I quickly got changed and walked down the stairs seeing (y/n) fast asleep on the couch, though her position looked uncomfortable, she was on her stomach with her tail flipped over her head, how is she not sneezing?

Knock Knock

"Who even." I muttered going to the door and opening it to see a silver and lilac fured monster.
   "Hi have you- (Y/N)!?" They shouted, I glanced back to see (y/n) shot off the couch and fell into the floor.

Third person pov

   "(Y/N)!?" A shout made her fall off the couch and into the floor, she climbed back into the couch rubbing her forehead.
   "Wha?" She asked, glancing up to see Nara shoved Palette out the way who let out a 'hey.'
   "Why are you here and with him." Nara asked.
   "Long story, I'm tired, I'll tell you late, leave." (y/n) shoved Nara out the door and
shut it, Palette glared at it, she ignored him and flopped back on the couch, grabbing the pillow and holding over her ear to ignore Palette who she figured was pissed.
   "Who even was that?" He asked, she removed the pillow and sat up.
   "Nara, old friend." She replied.
   "And why was she looking for you?"
   "She normally sees me about every day and I've been here." She said with a shrug.
"Uh huh, come on."
"Where are we going exactly?"
"I'm down."

When they arrived at Grillby's everyone was staring at them, to which (y/n) and Palette gave them a death glare, they sat down at the bar (y/n) got her normal while Palette got (whatever the heck he wants), they were having a causal conversation when someone interrupted.
"Hi other me!" A sweet voice said, (y/n) turned the a very hyper skele, with star eyes, like Palette's.
"Hey." (Fell)Palette replied.
"And I thought you couldn't get cuter." (y/n) said in a joking yet slightly flirty way.

Fell!Palette's pov

   Did she just flirt? What the hell? She smirked at me before talking to the original Palette and Goth, pretty sure Goth didn't want to be here, whatever, I turned back and went to back to eating my food, completely ignoring them.
   "You don't look so happy." Grillby said.
   "Mind your own business." I grumbled.
   "If you want some advice I've known her for years."
   "Oh really?"
   "Yes, heh, good luck breaking down her walls." And with that he left, walls? Huh.

Third person pov

   (y/n) was low key flirting with the other Palette, she was curious, how would 'her' Palette react, he looked irritated but ignored them, aww to bad, she really wanted a reaction out of him.

Criminal Ties (Fell Palette X Monster!Criminal!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now