Family Dinner

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Every family has its problems, but some can be more complicated then others especially in large families. Meet the Banks family...

David Banks (father)

Anne Banks (mother)

Ian Banks 27

Kate Banks 26

Andy Banks 24

Hannah Banks 24

Nolan (Nol) Banks 23

Luke Banks 21

Cole Banks 18

Collin Banks 18

Charlotte Banks 13

Then there is Ian's fiance Molly, Andy Banks girlfriend Sarah and Hannah's boyfriend Paul. The other boys have had girlfriends but they never lasted long.

Ian Banks is lawyer and his fiance Molly is doctor, so you can say they will be fine life. Ian has always been the one in charge, could always win an arguement, actually there was never any aruging with him. Everyone loves Molly, she is kind and well puts up with the Banks.

Kate Banks is studying phyiscally therapy and finishing up her last year and will be a doctor in PT. Kate is athletic and a health freak. She is also pretty bossy. She has a hard time understanding people who aren't as smart as she is. But she does like to have fun. Charlotte use to catch her coming home drunk all the time, which is weird, because she obessed with health and running. 

Andy Banks is studying Business management and is nicest guy you will meet. He is always helping everyone else before himself. He loves playing his guitar for fun. Andy really never does wrong to anyone. Even though he is kind, Sarah is his first real girlfriend ever. Everyone really likes Sarah too, she is kind and sweet like Andy.

Hannah Banks is studying well no one really knows. David and Anne stopped helping her pay for college after her fifth year. Hannah loves shopping, having fun and partying. She will probably end up working in a clothing store for the rest her life. She can be very superficial and stuck up. Paul though deals with this, he gives her what ever she wants and everyone wonders why he still around. But everyone loves Paul, probably more than Hannah.

Nol well is....a jerk most of the time. He only really looks out for himself, except when it comes to Charlotte. Charlotte is the only person he won't break a promise to, won't hurt, won't be mean to and a jerk. Nol never keeps a promise and never can be trusted to remember to do anything. He is studying sport management at school and was playing football until her got kicked off the team. Sitll though Nol has his moments of funniness and the rare occasion of kindnes, but he has never kept a girl for more than a week.

Luke is the quiet one and is often for gotten in the mix. He is still very nice and kind. He is smart like Kate, but not loud and doesn't act like a know it all. He loves cooking and first getting a degree in management before going on to culanary school. He eventually wants to open his own resturant. 

Cole and Collin are seniors in high school. They both play on the football and basketball teams. They are extremely athletic and can get themselves in a lot of trouble. Cole is a terrible driver and has been in many small accidents. Collin is a prankster and a dare devil, well they both are. This gets them in trouble a lot. 

Charlotte is the youngest. She loves to run, art and reading. She basically has many talents. She is on the track team at school and in many clubs. She is also very smart. She wants to studying biology in college. She is little though for her age and most people mistake her for being 12. Nol is her favorite, because he has always been nicest to her, but she loves all her siblings. 

All the Banks kids are tall and athletic, except Charlotte who isn't very tall. The boys are all very muscular. The biggest thing is the problems usually come out at family dinner every Sunday....

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