Chapter 1: What Did He Do?

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"Charlotte please hurry up, we have to drop off you brother Nol's wallet at his place, he left it here!" yelled Anne up the steps.

"Coming!" yelled Charlotte running down the steps.

"Do you have your inhaler?" 

"Dam it" 

"Language Charlotte" 

"Sorry mom" she said running back up the steps, she was going to PT for her leg.

They soon got in the car and drove to Nol's "Run this in real quick" said Anne.

Charlotte grabbed it and ran into the Nol's place. She stopped as she got in the door. Nol was making out with Sarah, Andy's girlfriend on the couch.

"Shit" said Nol.

Charlotte said nothing and threw his wallet at him and ran out the door.

"Charlotte!" he yelled after her getting off the couch.

Charlotte jumped in the car. "Are you okay?" asked Anne, "You look like you have seen a ghost"

"Ya I'm fine" said Charlotte.

"Okay" said Anne.

Back in Nol's place.

"Shit, shit shit" said Nol over and over again.

"Nol calm down she won't tell" said Sarah.

"I need to talk to her now" said Nol.

"I will just get out of here" said Sarah, "Do you think I should not come to family dinner Sunday?"

"No come, we don't want people to get suspicious" 

Sarah kissed him and left. Nol was in a panic.

He decided to call his mom "Hey mom do you need me to pick up Charlotte from PT?"

"Ya that would be great" said Anne kind of confused, because he never volunteers for stuff like that, "She's done at 5" she hung up.

"Nol is going to pick you up"

"Great" said Charlotte.

"That was sarcastic, why?"

"Because since when does he volunteer to help anyone?"

Anne laughed "I know"

Later at 5....

Nol walked into PT, Charlotte was getting her shoes back on. "How was it?" he asked.

Charlotte said nothing and walked past him.

"She mad at you?" asked her physical therapist Trevor.

"Can you tell?" said Nol sarcastically as turned around and followed her to the car

Nol got to the car just after her, he didn't unlock it. 

"Are you going to unlock the car?" she asked.

"Not till we talk"

"There is nothing to talk about"

"Yes there is, Charlotte you were never meant to see that"

"Meant to see it, so you were just going to keep it a secret from Andy. How long!?!?"

"Not that long"

"How long?!?!"

"A month"

"Why would you do that, Andy loves her, its his first girlfriend ever! Your such an idiot"

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