Chapter 19: The Nanny

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It was a month since Mr. Banks left his family. No one heard from him.  Charlotte stopped walking or was barely walking at all. So they doctors decided to slit her muscles in her thighs to try and help them grow and help her walk. Anne was struggling to keep the family running smoothly. It was becoming clear that Anne was going to have to quit work to take care of Charlotte. But she really couldn't afford to do that as the medical bills were piling up.

Trevor came storming into Kate's apartment.

"What wrong?" asked Kate.

"I got fired today" he replied.

"What why?" 

"Apparently me working with Charlotte here at the house is not allowed and considering the past events, they let me go."

"They can't do that!"

"But they can, Kate, and they did"

"I'm sorry" said Kate going up to hug and kiss him.

Back at the house..

"I'm going to have to stop working and take care of Charlotte, she isn't going to school anymore and after the surgery she is going to need full time care for awhile" said Anne talking to Ian and Molly.

"I take time off work, we all will take time of and take turns" said Ian.

"No, I can't ask you all to do that" said Anne.

"We want to and want to help. You can't do this alone" said Molly.

"I won't have it" said Anne.

"I know the medical bills are piling up, so at least let me pay some of them" said Ian.

"No" said Anne sternly.

"Mom, I want to help. With dad gone its my job"

This angered Anne. She didn't like the mention of David's name.

"Sorry" said Ian.

"I'm going to take care of everything" said Anne.

Then Kate and Trevor walked in.

"I'm telling you that can't do that" said Kate to Trevor as they were walking into the house.

"What are you talking about?" asked Ian.

"Trevor got fired for working here with Charlotte" said Kate.

"Kate" complained Trevor.

"It's my fault. I talk to them" said Anne.

"You don't have to do that" said Trevor, "Its really done with"

"I'm sorry dear" said Anne.

"Its really okay" said Trevor giving her a hug.

"Mom won't let us help out with Charlotte or anything" said Ian.

"Ian" said Molly.

"I won't have you all giving up your lives, I am going to take care of it all" said Anne.

"She is going to quit working to take care of Charlotte, when we all can help take care of her and she wouldn't have to do that" said Ian.

An argument ensued.

"I'll take care of her, I don't have a job" said Trevor.

No one heard him, except Molly.

"What?" asked Molly.

"I'll take care of Charlotte" said Trevor.

"No" said Anne.

"I don't have a job right now and you wouldn't even have to pay me" said Anne.

"I can't ask you to do that with out pay" said Anne.

"I'll pay him" said Ian, "At least let me do that, mom"

"Lets talk to Charlotte" said Anne.

"I'll go get her" said Ian.

Charlotte was in her room. Ian walked in.

"Hey, mom wants to talk to you" said Ian.

"What about? more about the surgery?" asked Ian.

"No" said Ian.

"Then what?" 

"Just going to have to come with me and see" 

"Why are you so smiling?"

"Because you're going to like it"

"I'm concerned"

Ian chuckled "Lets go" he said scouping her up.

Ian took her to the living where Trevor, Kate, Molly and Anne where.

Ian sat down with Charlotte on his lap.

"What's going on?" asked Charlotte.

"Nothing bad" said Anne, "But you haven't been going to school and after this surgery you are going to need to be taken care of. I would love nothing more than to stay home and take care of you, but I can't do that. So instead of me, we are going to get a Nanny."

"A nanny?" What am I 3?" 

"Charlotte" scolded Anne.

Everyone laughed.

"What if I was your nanny?" asked Trevor.

"What? really?" asked Charlotte.

"Yes" said Trevor.

"I think I can deal with that" said Charlotte happily.

"Then its settled" said Trevor.

Charlotte smiled and tried to get up to go to Trevor. She couldn't, so Ian handed her over to him. They hugged. Charlotte was really happy about Trevor being her Nanny.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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