Chapter 16: Cheating, Fights and Arrests

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It was a week after everyone being at the beach. Everyone was still really excited about Paul and Hannah being engaged and now everyone was betting who would get marry first, Ian and Molly or Paul and Hannah. They were all out at dinner discussing this thing. 

"I'm pretty sure Hannah has had her wedding planned since she was Charlotte's age" said Ian.

"That might be true" said Hannah. 

Everyone laughed.

"As of right now we have the date somewhere at the beginning of August" said Hannah.

"So you will be married before us" said Molly.

"Wait you actually picked a date" said Paul.

"Yes finally" said Ian.

"December of next year" said Molly.

"Aw I love winter weddings I have thought about having a wedding in winter, I have some great ideas" said Hannah.

"Well I could use some help" said Molly.

Paul and Ian payed the bill and they started to leave. As they walked out the door, they heard yelling and screaming and looked over to see Andy, Nol and Luke yelling and screaming at David.

"What the hell is the matter with you! How could you!" yelled Nol.

"Is this why you never home or always late!" yelled Andy.

"How could you!" yelled Luke.

Before Ian, Hannah, Molly or Paul could do anything, Nol jumped at David and tackled him to ground and layed a few punches into his face. Ian and Paul ran over.

"Hey!" yelled Ian pulling Nol.

Paul tried to hold Andy back.

"What the hell is going on?!" yelled Ian.

"Dad's cheating on mom with that bitch!" yelled Nol pointing at the woman.

Thats when a police car pulled up. David was laying on the ground bleeding, Ian helped him up.

"Is that true dad?" asked Ian.

"I can explain" said David.

The policemen came over "Whats going on here?"

"We caught him cheating on our mom!" yelled Luke.

"How long!?!" yelled Andy.

"Two months" said David.

Andy lunged at him.

Paul tried to hold him back so did Ian. But the Luke lunged at him and so did Nol. David swung at Nol and Luke.

"Thats enough!" yelled the officer, "All of you are coming to the station"

Two more officers pulled up. Andy and Luke got put in the back of one car, David the other and Nol the other one. Ian and the others followed in their own.

"What are we going to do?" asked Hannah, "I can't believe dad did this"

"Can we just not talk" said Ian angry.

"Ian" said Molly.

"I knew it!" said Ian, "He was never home always late or would leave again to get stuff he forgot at the office. Its been two months! Instead of taking care of his own family, his sick daughter, he has been sleeping around with some whore."

"We need to call mom" said Paul.

"Hannah call Kate and tell her what happened. Have her go to the house and get mom" said Ian

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