Chapter 15: Beach!

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It soon became Sunday dinner and everyone was excited to tell Charlotte about the beach. They decided that Andy should tell her since it was his idea.

Anne decided to make dinner beach themed.

"Okay" said Charlotte, "Why is everything beach themed? Are we going to the beach or something?"

Everyone smiled.

"Yes" said Andy, "Next weekend"

"Its November" said Charlotte confused.

Andy put down his fork and crossed his arms. Everyone laughed.

"What?" asked Charlotte.

"We know its November, but we it will be fun" said Kate.

"So we are actually going to beach? All of us?" asked Charlotte.

"Just you and your siblings" said Anne.

Charlotte looked really excited 

"What are we going to do at beach? Are we staying right on the beach? Like right on the sand?" 

"Yes" said Andy will a chuckle.

"I will show you a picture of the house later" said Hannah.

"We have to dicuss rules" said David.

Everyone sighed.

"Well I know that I can say no drinking and it will happen anyways, but Cole and Collin better not have a sip" said David.

"I'm not going" said Cole getting up and walking away.

"Cole" said Anne confused.

"I will deal with it later" said David.

"You never mentioned my name dad" said Charlotte.

David shot her a look.

Charlotte smiled. 

"Not funny" said David.

Everyone chuckled

"I don't want any of you gettng so drunk you drown in the ocean" said David.

Anne gave him a look "Not funny" 

Everyone chuckled.

It was after dinner Kate came in the kitchen and put her plate down "I will help you" 

"Thanks" said Anne, "I needed to talk to you about something anyways"

"I know, I know no Trevor" said Kate.

"That was not what I was going to say"

"I was actually going to say that I want him to go?"

Kate looked confused "What?"

"He knows Charlotte's condition really well and knows how to deal with. If something would happen I would feel better that he is there" said Anne.

"What about dad?"

"He doesn't need to know"

"Thanks mom" she said hugging her.

"This is a one time thing" said Anne hugging her back.

"I know" 

She got back to her place to find Trevor there.

"You can come!" 

"What?" he asked

"Ya my mom apparently wants you to go, because she would feel better, incase something happens to Charlotte" 

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