Chapter 12: Girls Night

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It was late friday night and Charlotte could not sleep again. She heard someone come in the house and go up to see who it was. It was Nol and Luke.

"Nol? Luke?" she said.

"Sup girly" said Nol.

They were so drunk.

"Are you two drunk?" asked Charlotte.

"No" said Luke, "But where are we?"

"You are at home"

"Well where is my room?" asked Luke.

"Right there" said Charlotte pointing, "You better get in there before mom and dad hear you"

They went in the room. Charlotte went back to her room, but still couldn't fall asleep. So she went to Luke's room. Luke was passed out on the bed and Nol was passed out on the spare bed. Charlotte laid down on the floor with her pillow and blanket.

The next morning...

Luke got up and sighed in pain, he swung himself over the side of the bed and sat up, almost stepping on Charlotte.

"Nol" he said. 

Nol didn't move. Luke threw a pillow at him. Nol woke up.

"What?" he said.

"What happened last night?"

"I don't know where I am?"

"Mom and dad's" said Luke.

"Shit" said Nol.

"I can't remember anything from last night, did we drive here?"

"No I remember by buddy Chris driving us here" said Nol.

"Did Charlotte wake up when we came home?"

"I don't remember, what time is it?" asked Nol.

"8am" said Luke.

Nol growled and rolled back over in bed

"Nol you have to leave before mom and dad wake up" said Luke.


"Because if you are hear they are going to wonder why"

Nol growled, but got up. He pulled his shirt on and snuck down the steps. He was stopped by Cole and Collin who were up for practice.

"Have fun last night?" asked Cole

"Your yelling and I have a headache" said Nol.

"We saw you and Luke coming out of the bar, you were funny" said Collin.

"Great but I need to get out of here, before mom and dad wake up" said Nol.

"How? your car isn't here" said Cole.

"Will you drive me?"

"What will you do for us?"


"You know mom and dad will just be so upset if they know what happened last night, especially when they find out Charlotte found you two drunk in the hallway last night." said Cole

"She did?"

"Yes" said Collin.

"I will pay you each twenty bucks" said Nol.

"Deal" said Cole and Collin.

They drove him home.

Back upstairs, Luke got out of the shower and was dressed. He was pulling on his shirt when Charlotte woke up.

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