Chapter 2: Hatred

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Nol walked in the house. Anne was in the kitchen.

"Let me fix up your face" said Anne.

"I'm fine" said Nol trying to walk away.

"Nolan" said Anne.

Nol came back. Anne got a wet towel and started blotting away the blood. Kate and Hannah walked into the kitchen heading upstairs to Cole and Collin's room. They shook their head at him.

"Everyone hates me now" said Nol.

"You broke your brother's heart" said Anne.

"He is just mad" 

"He was going to propose to her on Tuesday" 

"What?" asked Nol shocked.

"Your brother loved her and he trusted you"

Nol didn't know how to respond. 

Anne hugged him and walked away.

Nol was now even more upset, he now realized how much he screwed up. 

Molly walked in.

"You hate me to?"

"No, no one hates you, everyone is just upset and well they thought better of you, especially Cole and Collin, but mostly Charlotte."

"How do I fix this?"

"I can't tell you"

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know" 

Molly gave him a smile and walked away to find Anne and see if she needed help with anything.

Meanwhile upstairs...

"I can't believe Nol would be so stupid!" said Cole.

"I do" said Hannah, "He doesn't care about anyone but himself"

"Thats rich coming from you" said Collin.

"Collin!" yelled Kate, "We don't need another fight"

"No he is right, I do think about myself too much, but I would never do something like this" said Hannah.

"I can't believe he had Charlotte lie for him and keep this secret" said Collin.

"Charlotte is probably so upset and confused" said Kate.

"And probably thinks it her fault" said Cole.

"I wanna kill Nol" said Collin.

"We all do" said Hannah.

Nol was standing in the door, Kate coughed to get everyone's attention.

"I wanna tell you all that I'm sorry" said Nol.

"Don't tell us your sorry, you need to talk to Charlotte and Andy" said Kate.

Hannah gave him a look and pushed past him "Kate I will give you a ride home, once Paul gets back"

"Thanks" said Kate following her.

Cole got up and shut his door, leaving Nol standing at the closed door. He wanted to cry, screan and just run away. He was idiot and made the biggest mistake of his life and didn't know how to fix it.

Meanwhile Paul, Ian and Luke were walking the sidewalks in town looking for Charlotte....

"Can you please explain to me what the hell happened?" asked Ian.

"Apparently Charlotte caught Nol and Sarah making out on the couch at his apartment" said Paul.

"Are you serious?"

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