#17// 10 Facts about my gay favs :)

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Chickenflewp  welcome :)

What's my favorite ship you ask?

FRERARD *teehee*

Ok let me tell you frerard is actually FUHKING real ok? Okay.

Fact No.1: "I never act on stage" -Gerard Way
So this isn't acting?:

1: "I never act on stage" -Gerard WaySo this isn't acting?:

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Hmmmmm doesn't look like it. What about Fact No.2: the three famous stage kisses


Guys it's acting cmon you don't believe that do you? I FUHKING do bitches.

Fact No. 3: Gerard quotes about Frank

"Frank is extremely passionate, headstrong, and kind of rebellious individual but extremely loyal and honest he's the kind a guy who would do anything for his friends"

"I remember first seeing Pencey Prep, and it was in this bar - and I think there was like three people there... There was like nobody there, but I remember watching and basically Pencey Prep played this show like it was full of people. And I remember just feeling like, "Wow, this dude is a great singer and he's a great guitar player, but he's a born performer. This is somebody that is totally MEANT to be onstage and in front of people, like thrashing around." And um, it was always something that we felt like we were missing. You know, like, everybody brings their own kind of heart to the band - he brought this kind of reckless kind of passion that I think really expressed our music. Like, he was kind of like this physical whirling blender, flipping and destroying everything around the stage... So, um, THAT and he's a great guitar player."

Fact No. 4: Frank quotes about Gerard

"Gerard is sensitive, but really really really smart and sometimes people don't get it, because he's not like school intelligent, he's an idealist, he's like a genius."

"Gerard in my view, Is the second coolest motherfucker on this planet. Second because I'm first, and therefore cooler."

Oh and this one...

"Gerard and I had a pact a long time ago, that if I wasn't married by 30 we would marry other."

Gerard is now 40

And frank is now 35 :(

Both happily married :) to my moms Lyn-Z and Jamia.

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