#74 the reason(s) I hate christmas

13 1 28

It's Christmas time you know what that means?

Wallowing in my own fucking self pity.

Sorry it just I've lost so much family and it's not the same with them around the holidays you know?

The remaining family members that I have fucking hate each other. What I mean by that is my moms side hates my dads side and vice versa and I'm in the fucking middle of it. 🙄

They can't even be in the same fucking room I have two separate Christmas's because of it. It's fucking insane!

The reason for this goes back to before I was born. Yes I know like I said fucking insane! But that's another chapter... does anyone wanna even hear about this?

I'm so sorry for putting my problems out there and boring you.

<3 thanks for listening

~Syd who is now crying because of her family
~Syd who should probably go see a therapist

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