#18 Q&A??

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Questions asked by one of my favs SexyLlamaJuliet

1) Do you like fries?

Dood did you just ask that? Of course I do! Who doesn't?

2) Are rainbows real? If so where do they come from?

Is the sky blue? And my 🅱️ussy :))))

3) Donald trump wants to fuck you, what do you say?

Nothing, I don't fuck oranges.. unless I want orange juice 😉

4) Dora wants to play with you, why did you kick her in the face?

Bc the map went exploring if you know what I mean 😏

5) Why do I keep asking horrible questions?

Idk. Why am I such a horrible person?

6) Do you have a talent? (Other than finding proof of ships)

Not really. I play volleyball tho 🤷‍♂️

7) Where is your penis located?

You know where it's located 😏 SexyLlamaJuliet

8) Squidward has a penis on his face. (No I'm not making fun of him! That's where a squids reproductive organ is technically. Even the guy who created squidward knew that.) Anyway, I'm asking if you have a penis on your face squid...

Yes I do actually, but you already knew that didn't you? 😏

9) Why am I still asking stupid questions?

Idk honey 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Any more questions???

Facts and other random things Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora