#60 help me?

17 3 6

Does anyone wanna make a cover for me?

Oh you do? great!

I don't have any requirements, but the book is about about the relationships I've had/ have. And reminiscing on past memories some good, some bad some sad so just kind of make it cool ig? Oh yeah I still don't use punctuation very well so don't expect it to be good. (Not really a book it's kinda like a slightly better version of this shit show which is just random thoughts all piled up into one hot garbage fire)

So if you make one you can send it to me on Snapchat: @ great_squid
Or twitter: @ piercethesyd

I will give you credit :) PWEEEESEEEE WITH A CHEERY ON TOP!

Oh if I get more than one (which I probably won't get any) I let you guys help me choose the best one.


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