#20 why not??

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Did this bc I was bored and couldn't sleep           >>>>>>>>

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Did this bc I was bored and couldn't sleep          

1) Age: 14

2) Height: 5'0

3) Sign: Pieces

4) Religion: Christian

5) Political Leaning: I honestly don't care 🤷‍♂️

6) Ass or titties: how about fuck you

7) Dream Job: Something to to with learning about how the human body works especially the brain (physiology) I think. Or working with animals. Music would be pretty cool but I'm not musically talented at all.

8) Sexuality: Straight...

9) Mac or Pc: Both

10) Favorite website: idk

11) Ppl I've dated: None. Been a single Pringle my whole life

12) First kiss: nope.

13) Last twitter dm: from a collab YouTube channel called our glass hearts

14) Weird kinks? Nope

15) Fave cartoon: Spongebob or Teen titans go 😂

16) Nickname in high school: Super Syd (its the third day of my freshman year)

17) Type of car you drive: I don't drive yet but I want a tiny car like a Mini Cooper or a Volkswagen

18) Wearing: A t shirt and shorts

19) Do you want kids?: yes, 1 or 2

20) If you could go back in time where would you go?: The 90s/ early 2000s

21) What is you ancestry?: British, Scottish, Irish, White... I think

22) Last video I watched: A did you know video in my BIM class

23) Last movie I watched: idk

24) Last thing that made you cry: A video on twitter about animals 😂

25) What did you think you would be doing at this age 10 years ago?: Being in high school musical (high school is not like that) :'(

26) Would that you be proud of you today?: idk... school yes, everything else no

27) Strangest fear: Other people's blood

28) Do you like trump?: hell no

29) T H I C C or T I N N?: I'm flat as a board :)

30) Favorite you tubers:
David Dobrik
Liza Koshy
The Gabbie Show
Scottie Sire
Zane H
Social Repose
Jack Brinkman
Issa (twaimz)
Shane Dawson
The React Channel
Bryan Stars **interviews**i don't like him

31) What video games are you playing at the moment?: Guitar hero live :)

32) Fav song: rn your nickel ain't worth my dime is stuck in my head oh! Or golden by fob

33) What is your goal in life?: To succeed and not disappoint

34) How would you like to die: in my sleep

Should I tag??


If you want you can do it 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Goodnight I have to get up at 5

Goodnight I have to get up at 5

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