#21 just a mini rant

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Tagged by one of my favs burymeinart

Tagged by one of my favs burymeinart

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Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

What I find cute: funny people if your funny no matter who you are I'm already attracted to you. Soft eyes and cute hair. And cute laughs :))))))

3 people: ok you guys probably don't know theses people but here we go:

Landon: he was my first major crush like when I was in fifth grade and I liked him for about two years. (Whoops) People in my class thought we would be cute together so they made the ship name sandon. I hear that name to this day. 😒I stopped liking him after he moved away and I heard he started smoking weed or something and getting in trouble. I hated that bc he used to be really sweet. :(((

Shane: I liked him last year and idk why he was such an asshole. He was only nice to me bc he wanted homework answers BC HE WAS AN IDIOT not to mention a big fuckboi that didn't give a shit about anything, not even people's feelings. Towards the end of the year he found that I liked him and ignored me for the rest of the year which was a douche move.

Alex: Ok I liked him at the very end of last year which was 8th grade. I liked him bc he was the only nice genuine guy at our school who actually cared. I just stopped liking him bc he's changed. He's turned into a fuckboi and I hate it. He's hanging with the wrong people who tell him to do these things. And OH YEAH I ALMOST FORGOT HE WANTS TO TAKE THE BIGGEST SLUT AT OUR SCHOOL TO HOMECOMING. HER NAME IS ASHLEY (((WHICH IS A VERY BITCHY WHITE GIRL NAME WHICH SHE FITS THAT TITLE BUT THATS BESIDES THE POINT.))) HERES A FEW THINGS ABOUT HER:

She's dated everyone at the school
She's sent nudes which have spread around the school
She's fake sooooooo fake
And a cheerleader 😒

No don't you tell me I still have feelings for him don't u do it no hunty.

Bc I don't you do


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