#28 ugh. iwantodie

28 4 11

I wish people would just shut the fuck up about homecoming. I honestly could care less if guys are fighting each other to take you to hoco. It's a month away hunties you have time calm 👏 your 👏 asses 👏 down. 👏 I've already accepted my fate I'm not going. People don't like me and nobody wants to take me so why go? My friends are trying to get me to go with them but whats the point of standing around in a dress and heels for two hours stuffing my face with food when I can do that at home? Naked. 😂 jk

Nah I wasn't kidding.. but that's besides the point.

Anyway I just want them to shut up.

Side note:
Don't you love it when you find a person attractive but they never notice you bc your antisocial and vvvvvvveryyhyy shy. :(

Fun fact about today:
My v ball coach told me I should do powerlifting after I was done with back squats. Idk if she was kidding or not bc I'm 5'0 and um tiny. If you don't know what powerlifting is you should look it up. She had a serious face so im scared now.

Fun fact numero dos:
It's the second week of school and I already have a 79 in algebra. I FUCKING LOVE FUCKING MATH. *numbers whoo* PLEASE TELL ME HOW WERE GOUNG TO NEED A QUADRATIC EQUATION IN OUR EVERYDAY LIVES I NEED TO KNOW.


Does anyone have a gun or a really long rope? Actually you know what I'll just jump off my roof.



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