#78 suprise im actually a good person (compared to my friends)

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^^^Written by Fall Out Boy

I just found out some of my my friends are staring to drink and vape and fail classes. Great we won't be friends in 2018 hate to brake it to ya sorry.

Ya see even though you think I'm a bad person/ influence I don't think I really am. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, and I don't think I ever will because I don't wanna turn out like my parents (letters to the loved I think you should read it #shamelessselfpromo). Also, I make A's and B's in school (woah syds not dumb what happened) yaya I started trying again and my lowest grade is an 82 whoop! (Flippen algebra) I've never sent nudes or had sex (or even been in a relationship whoop). I've never snuck out of the house or skipped school. (Whoop whoop)

Instead of doing all those bad things I spend my life doing homework, chores, and being on the internet 24/7. In this household we don't have time for friends irl we talk to the ones on the internet because they are actually nice, cool, and actually understand and care about you. Except for a couple irl friends they're pretty cool.

The only thing I do that's considered "bad" is cussing whoops. Which isn't even fucking bad I don't know what you mean Jessica...god what a bitch.

I'm a child of JEASUS CHRIST.


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