#158 thx

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For those of you asking aka:

Thanks btw ily guys :)

I'm fine right now I just had one of those overwhelming emotional "breakdowns" I guess you could call it. I've talked about this before how I'm fine and then I get this overwhelming feeling and completely shut down and the trip to texoma didn't help at all. Don't get me wrong I'm very appreciative of my friend and her family for taking me, but my mental health really suffered. I know you're thinking "another person talking about mental health blah blah blah what's the point we already know you're fucking insane," but I had to get this out. Lately I've been felling really bad about myself and my appearance. I've also been eating my feelings so that's not really helping at all. (Which is literally all we did last week) In addition to that I've been struggling with my s e x u a l I t y and while I was on the trip my friend kept talking about b o I s I should date bc she has one and I'm "lonely" (which I am bit whatever pshhhh) BUT DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK THAT NOT EVERYONE HAS TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP AND WITH THE OPPOSITE GENDER!1!!11!! In addition to all of that volleyball tryouts are in less than a month and I'm stressing out. They're so physically draining and my coach is actually a psycho. And we all know im a PHAT lazy ass bitch sooo. Im not gonna survive. Have a nice life.

Robbie is an actual angel ughhh my heart (cavetown Robbie)

And tøp literally just sent an email so idk why y'all are still freaking out??

And sws new acoustic is amazing btw

And another daily reminder ptv is making music :)

Also I miss dan and Phil :(


Facts and other random things Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon